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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Hmm.. i'll definitely consider it as well. But probably not if they sell it separately. I'm definitely buying Steins;Gate though.

  2. V Down with that heretic

  3. I heard it does get a bit slow during the middle, but nice to see you liked it overall with some criticisms of course. I'll get to it.. one day.

  4. Yeah, you can just go straight for the Meiya route. You don't have to do anything else. The other endings are mostly the same with the other characters (just the girls switched around and different h-scenes and stuff). Although after doing the 2 Meiya endings, I think you can do the Yuuko ending as well. I believe there is some additional information with that ending. And yeah, Bunny girl does not have a route : (

  5. desi

    Thanks brah. Where's the gift? :<

  6. desi

    Happy b-day Rin!



  7. Work, slacking on exam stuff, watching some anime. I wanted to read steins;gate, but I stopped before I got too far in... don't want to be distracted from slacking on my exam stuff. What about you?

  8. I cry every time. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh, I just remembered those sick OPs. Man, those were good. Makoto Shinkai is amazing.

  9. I sense no sarcasm at all in that latest message. But yeah, those jungle scenes were a bit... weird lol.

  10. Oh, you have a PS3? What's your PSN?

  11. Yeah, I have a decent amount on my plate.. Steins, Comyu, I/O, Symphonic Rain,etc, a bunch of "mid-tier" VNs. After going almost a year without VNs, I finished a few these last few months.

  12. Hey, not much is really happening. I'm pretty far into Danganronpa and it's been a really good treat so far. I'll be sure to post a review of it after I finish it up. And what is this, getting offers for hooking up with Japanese females.. i'm jealous.

  13. Yeah, I loved bunny-girl *bunny nod* Okay, if you insist..Meiya's ending should be enough.

  14. Damn, I accidentally posted under my visitor messages instead of yours. Fail.


    Anyways, I said "Sounds about right. I also stalked... err...saw what you voted for Quartett when I just happened to be on the VN page. About what I gave it/felt about it. It's a nice little VN with some problems, but pretty enjoyable."

  15. Yeah, I was just kidding like you kid all the time, OMA.. but looks like you've had some experience lol.

  16. Thinking of getting a copy as well.

  17. Thanks! You too.... err wait.. Thanks!

  18. I've never installed or played the game, so i'm not 100% sure. Try to follow these steps here - FAQ - Kamidori Wiki. Make sure you apply the regular patch before the english patch.

  19. Sorry OMA, i'm just too popular. Should have enough space now though. And interesting review about that, was it a "conclusive" romance or did it just sort of end ambiguously? Speaking of which, I remember when I needed romance to watch anime. We all evolve.

  20. desi

    Thanks brother. Nice background btw.

  21. Angelic Howl is a pretty boss part man, don't stall now!

  22. Whoa, now everyone can openly see our love affair. And damn, writing from your cell phone? Not allowed to browse on the internets or read books or anything?

  23. Actually, right about now : ( Good night

  24. Thanks. You had yours not too long ago as well... so... happy late b-day to you too : D

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