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Posts posted by desi

  1. Just finished episode 17. Good conclusion to the arc. I'm satisfied with the way they wrapped up the Jumanji Mystery. It's also hilarious to see the effort Oreki puts into preventing Chitanda from being disappointed. Looking forward to the Satoshi villain arc where he completely snaps and kills everyone.

  2. Here you go. This should contain most of the works that she has been a part of. After a quick glance, it looks like only Harem party is on that list of translated VNs. I googled around a bit and saw that she was also in X-change 3 and Swan Song. "Cleo is voiced by Ariga Momo, another VA who’s been voicing various eroge for nearly a decade now. Some might recognize her voice from X-change 3 or Swan Song." I'm not sure how big of a role she had though.
  3. Are you using Avast by any chance? Heard Avast was a bit picky with Stryker. You should disable whatever anti-virus program you're using - download the crack - open up the anti-virus program and add an exception... this will be the crack file that it tries to delete.... run your anti-virus again and see if it deletes it or not. Adding an exception should stop it from deleting it.

  4. Win XP doesn't need too much RAM and VNs don't use too much either. With a VM I don't have to restart my computer all the time and I can keep things running - downloads, for example.


    Ah.... guess I should have been a bit more clear. I was referring to more than just VNs. It's a pretty bad idea, but I occasionally game on my laptop... boot camp works the best for that.

  5. Is there any darker VN in translation right now? I would check by myself, but I don't want to check every single one on that list :p


    Depends on your definition of dark. Subahibi has a lot of madness/mindscrew. Maybe something like Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni... the prequel is already out and the sequel is being translated right now.

  6. Let's not attack henta20 for having an opinion. Kind of alienates people if that happens.


    As far as Snow Sakura, I dropped it after doing the cousin route... doubt I'll pick it up again. Common route dragged like hell and the route structures weren't well done at all. So... yeah, I agree with OMA.


    Is anyone else not curious about what's going on with Aroducs secret project right now? He managed to translate over 4000 lines last time leaving him with only 5650 left. As I understand it he has people editing as he goes and the seiha translations forum is normally updated by now, am I the only one thinking we may be getting the release this week? or am I just being overly optimistic?


    It could be anything, really. Doubt it's going to get released this week.... could be awesome to get 3 VNs released in a week.... just don't really see it happening.

  7. Needs some help with some of these titles


    *****= What kind of character is the mc?

    - Sharin No Kuni Himawari no Shoujo. *****


    Sharin no Kuni has my absolute favorite protag. He's confident, hilarious, and can also be serious. Just an absolute badass. I've heard nothing but bad things about the Chaos;Head anime... so just check out the VN. Akabei Soft2 (G-senjou, Sharin no kuni) make badass protags. A Profile might be a little different in this regard. I don't really remember much about him... he's one of those "had a dark past" sort of MCs.... definitely not as badass as Kenichi (sharin no kuni).

  8. Can't agree with this, vndb description sounds rather boring. Oh well, I'll play it anyway.


    Yeah, I guess that's what I was trying to say haha. I'm not too picky as long as it isn't a nukige.



    And as far as JAST is concerned, other people pretty much hit the nail on the head. They buy up these fan translations and sit on them for a couple of years doing nothing. An example is Sumaga. They bought it in the middle of 2009 when it was around 80% done. They haven't made any significant progress since then.

  9. Not sure how she WOULDN'T be considered tsundere. She even breaks the fourth wall a bit early in the series to mention it.


    She doesn't give off the tsundere vibe at all. It's more of a tease than anything. She doesn't really have that conflicted attitude about her relationship with her loved one.

  10. desi..so it works for you now???

    hmmm..glad that you found a solutions..

    though its weird~~


    Yeah... I had to ask the hacker of Canvas 2 for this fix. Thankfully, it worked out well. The issue arose because the game wasn't uninstalled properly and the installer thought that the game was still installed.

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