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Posts posted by desi

  1. please release a partial patch for aiyoku no eustia




    hopefully patches for shinigami no kiss




    and Majikoi S will be released next week


    Nope. Next Majikoi S patch isn't until the Kosugi route is translated and edited. So Margrit, Kokoro, and Kosugi need to be completely finished with until the next patch.

  2. Watched Clannad, didn't watch After Story, all I remember from Clannad is that it has something to do with starfishes and kick combos. Should I play the visual novel?




    My recommendation. Play and fully finish the VN. Watch Clannad again and make sure to watch the After Story. Clannad is good, but After Story is on another level.

  3. I know you said the less you know the better, but I couldn't help myself but look at the trailer. I just saw a naked chick stretching on a tree. I am now interested in this game. Besides that, it does look like a pretty unique game. I also thought this was pretty cool "When the game appeared on the largest Russian torrents.ru tracker, the developers talked to the downloaders in the thread, answered game related questions and encouraged them to buy the game, if they liked it." That makes me actually want to buy the game instead of pirate it.

  4. I never knew that desi's into blood related incest that much.


    Of course. I had a raging boner I was very interested when You fucked Chinami.


    In all seriousness, I was just interested after reading the storyline. Also made by the same people that made Yosuga No Sora and it was their second full VN after nearly 3 years, so that made me even more interested. Anyways, thanks Famichip.

  5. The blood-related imouto(s) are Miyuki and Mayuki (twin sister). Yeah, there are two real imoutos in this game. :D



    I see.. is she the pink haired one? Can't find their character profiles, so I'm not sure. EDIT: Nvm, found out she was the pink one :p...Do the twins share the same route or separate routes.. is the whole twin reveal like a twist ending or is it known that she had a twin?


  6. Last episode sucked. Oreki has changed because he's actually doing something bothersome of his own free will. And the reason he did it was for Chitanda. And at the end they implied he has feelings for her. People were hoping for all these things and they actually happened, so it should why did I say it sucked? Because it was all so predictable and boring. Chitanda is pretty and Oreki gets embarrassed looking at her - it's already happened in every episode. There was nothing new in this episode. And they just crammed a mini-mystery in there because this show is supposed to be about mysteries, but it was just bad. It was obvious and stupid. I didn't especially dislike this episode or anything, but it's just disappointing because it could have been so much better.


    I disagree... I really enjoyed the ending. I liked how Oreki immediately understood why Satoshi was reluctant to accept Mayaka's feelings after his own "confession" to Eru. In the previous episode, we see that in his exchange with Satoshi that he never really understood what Satoshi was going on about despite claiming that he did. Satoshi believes that dating Mayaka will change him back to the person he once was, whereas Oreki believes that admitting he admires Chitanda will go against the motto he's lived by his entire life and shift things from grey to full-on rose-colored. He does want a rosy life...he just hasn't fully accepted that yet. This was seen through his inner monologue during the doll ceremony where he felt that he didn't belong there and even regretted coming while he walked along with the rest of the procession. Even after saying that, he couldn't help but enjoy himself and spent the whole time longingly gazing at Chitanda, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.


    Regarding Chitanda, her future is already set in stone and you could see that she was being apologetic about it. I think that this shows that she is just as afraid of Oreki and Satoshi about her own feelings. She admires Oreki and doesn't want to chain him to a girl who's chained to such a boring place. Right at the end though was a very awesome moment. When the wind blew the cherry tree's leaves, just for a moment, the place became the most beautiful and the one that had the best potential. Just as Oreki imagined it a few seconds ago, it suddenly became the most perfect place there was for the two of them. I thought this was done in a very unique way instead of the whole get together in the last 2 seconds and kiss scene. Bravo to Kyoani.


    Isn't that just the ova that already came out?


    Yeah, that's the OVA that was streamed in shit quality. Maybe we'll get another OVA in the future.

  7. According to this trailer,all herorines route except Rin(whyyyyyyy!!!) will be adapted.So,i think they are planning two seasons like clannad(all five heroines in season 1,rin and refrain in season 2)

    Just hope JC makes a good adaptation.


    Where does it say that Rin's route won't be adapted? That's just a trailer. Rin is the main girl, after all.

  8. Just finished with Imouto no Katachi yesterday. Kinda brings me a bit of deja vu because the true route reminds me of Hoshimemo. I really wished that they'd make the other heroine routes feel the same as the true route because it was kinda disappointing that the routes end too quickly for me, and not as deep/serious as the true route.. Other than that I did really enjoy going through this VN.


    You should spoil me (in a spoiler box) as to who the real imouto is. Also, is she blood-related or non-blood related.. the vndb tags seem to be conflicting. I never ask for spoilers, but I know this will never be translated.. so have at it hoss.

  9. But I thought you liked that sort of thing.


    Only if you are the giver and he's the receiver.



    Update on Air and Brighter than Dawning blue


    I figured I should post monthly updates, at least until I actually start translating AIR, just so people know what’s going on.


    First up, I did some calculations and it seems Edger actually translated a whopping 28% of the game! I’ve also worked out that if I re-edit 10kb of his translation a day, I’ll have his portion tweaked in just over a month. So that’s the plan.

    Yoake is going quite slowly right now, mostly because I’ve spent the last month looking for a house to live in for my fourth year at university. I’m also trying to spend less time at the computer, as recommended by my osteopath, to try and ease my back problems >.> (Long story.) I think in the future I’ll have to rethink my workload, because I can really only edit so much because I sit at the computer all day. For now though, full steam ahead on Rewrite, AIR and Yoake!


    TL;DR - Progress is slow but it'll get done. Also explains why Air got an update this week.

  10. I have a problem with the "Okasare Yuusha ~Ririshiku Sekai wo Sukuu Hazu Datta Boku" download. I download everything fine, but when I try to run the application i get an error message. Probably doesn't help that I can't read the message. Any suggestions?


    Should post in the technical support section. Is your locale in Japanese? Can you post any screenshots?

  11. ive mounted both discs on 2 drives and i run disc ones installation but when it tells me to insert disc 2, i click on the disc 2 i mounted and it wont run. Solution?


    Try it this way. Just mount in disc one and install it regularly. When it asks you to mount in disc 2, unmount disc 1 and mount in disc 2. Make sure you don't close the installation window when it tells you to put in disc two so it can continue with the installation.

  12. Wait what? Backstory? Is that what it is? I knew it would have something about Houzuki in it because it was mentioned in some other thread... Wait, maybe it's this thread actually. Probably is. Anyway, didn't know it was a backstory until now.


    Yeah, the majority of Houzuki's story is pretty much a backstory. The other stories are all mostly after stories... but it's really just an excuse to put in random h-scenes.

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