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Posts posted by desi

  1. The link I gave him was from their site. I know it's free, that's why I went to check for the torrent link there. But it said that the site was overloaded and I was only provided with that external link for download.


    Yeah, I didn't even see the link from their site, my bad.


    Hey guys, seems like I need help with finding another torrent for a game called Violated Hero -I wanted to chivalrously save the world-, the only one i could find was for filemonster.com and that site takes 45 minutes in-between each download _ _ . Anyway.. =P help would be appreciated, thanks xD ^

    Violated Hero -I Wanted to Chivalrously Save the World-

  2. Double posting to get your attention because I found a solution that fixes this problem. It worked for me.


    1.Open up Registry Editor (Start > "regedit")

    2.Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software".

    3.If there's an "F&C" folder there, delete it.

    4. Do the same for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\F&C" (or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\F&C" if you're using 64-bit Windows).


    Try installing the game again after these steps.

  3. I've set my computer to Auto Switch Between English and Jap Locales so I don't think thats the problem


    Have you properly applied the bug fix? I know some people got the graph_vis error because they forgot to apply the bug fix or if they applied the bug fix after installing the patch.

  4. Who will edit it now? Edger got married and got out of VN communitty, and Sheeta didn't said he will edit it.


    "I plan to start once I finish editing Yoake, which shouldn’t take longer than a month or two. I might start earlier than that though, depending on how I feel."


    Yoake is Brighter Than Dawning Blue

  5. Ohhhhh alright I understand now, you guys are really helpful. sorry I'm such a noob haha. one last question then, is there a way to find how often I get to actually make choices? i dont mind the one i'm playing now but it seems like ive gotten two choices of things to say in the 4+ hours i was playing, and do some have other interactive points? like choosing who to talk to or where to go.


    Well, if you want to know how many choices there are, you can look up a walkthrough of that specific VN. Some VNs will not have a lot of choices... other VNs have hundreds of choices. It really all depends on the VN you are playing. Usually a VN with multiple routes, you can choose who you want to talk to and pursue down their path.

  6. Also I was researching while playing Hoshizora no memoria and it seems thats just a basic light novel correct? abbreviated NVL right? then there are other kinds of light novels with a ADV which means it has more interaction other than once in a while choosing an option right?


    ADV and NVL are terms used to show how text is displayed in a VN. ADV is what most people prefer.. this when the text is presented at the bottom of the screen... usually most VNs have a ADV type format. NVL is when there is no special window.. the text is pretty much laid out on the whole screen.

  7. how do you guys feel about playing ones not translated? is it a pain having to look up dialogue


    You can use a machine translator. Short and quick guide - here. As for playing games not translated, I wouldn't recommend doing it with complicated or story heavy VNs. Machine translators are best used for simple stories and nukiges. Its up to you in the end though. Don't expect a good translation.

  8. ^ Thanks, definately don't want any spoilers. That said...




    Oh. My. God.


    Marimo, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


    These fucking aliens. They are far, FAR worse than I imagined they would be. They are actual nightmarish monsters, the kind of monsters you'd find in a Lovecraftian Universe. So yea, there we were, having a sad/serious talk with Marimo-chan after the surprise attack by these freaks. But you know, it all worked out in the end, even though Takeru lost it. He would get back on his feet eventually no doubt and Marimo helped him along with that. And then... This horror.


    Sure it was sad that Marimo died. Oh yes, very sad. Actually, I've been teary-eyed for the majority of the time playing this game, no exaggeration.


    But... That's not the worst part of it. It's the WAY she died. I can't believe the game actually did that. I can't remember the last time a game shocked me like this one event did. It came out of absolutely nowhere. At first I almost thought that Takeru was having delusions or something, but noooo, it happened. That alien monster ate Marimo-chans head. WHAT. WHAT. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU KILLED MARIMO YOU FUCKING SHIT.


    And this game?... Fuck this game, 10 out of 10, there's nothing better. Of course I'm pissed now. Marimo is dead.



    Ahh... the infamous "chomp" scene. It surprised the shit out of me too. It's interesting to see how Takeru responds to all this.


  9. Hmmm... I'm extremely curious about how good Never7 would be in comparison to Ever17. Well it's nice to see that it's getting done.


    Personally I haven't played Remember11 either even though it's already been translated. Pretty curious about that one too. As far as I know, both Never7 and Remember11 has a focus on mystery in them, just like E17.


    Ever17 is probably going to be the most epic one. That doesn't mean I won't check out Never7 or Remember11. I've been putting off Remember11 for a bit since I heard the ending wasn't very conclusive... I'll still check it out one day. I'll probably play Never7 before it. But you are absolutely right about the mystery aspect of it.

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