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Posts posted by desi

  1. I just played the game for a day with that translator, I didn't really understand what they are saying. Sometimes, bad grammar pops out. Is there another translator that will help me understand the game better? Hope theres an English patch for this T_T.


    You can try Aerogamer's guide, located here. Again, don't expect a good translation :p

  2. Hi if anyone can please help me with my problem?


    I had the problem during the installation where it would get stuck on Se01.GPK and it wouldnt continue. So tried the first solution and it didnt work, so i tried the second solution where u just copy the remaining files directly into the install directory. I got a different problem from those stated i believe. The game seems to run fine except for the save feature. Whenever i try to save nothing happens. The game just wont save my progress, no save file appears anywhere. I just want to know if anyone has had this same problem and if they can help me. Thank you.


    That's weird. Tried to research this problem and ran into one person on the Jast forum that had the same problem (not sure if you posted it). Some other guy commented and said he pretty much did the exact same thing you did and copied+pasted the files to the installation directory and ran the .exe and the save feature worked fine. Stupid question, but have you tried reinstalling it?

  3. Well I sure love the characters, visuals and the music already, having only played for about 2-3 hours in Extra. I guess that's a good start.


    I'm interested in your reaction after playing MLA :p If you think the beginning of Extra is already off to a good start, wait until MLA :p It's just a great story of war and courage with some of the best dialogue and conversations I've seen in a VN so far. You're in for a treat.

  4. It looks like parts 4, 5, and 7 for edelweiss are down. I checked both erogedownload and the archive here, links are down. Desi mentioned it'd be a good idea to post it to get them back up, although i'm not sure if this is the right place.


    I meant here :p


    If you want, links are also available here. You'll have to download all parts again. Or you can wait for Ivan to reupload the dead links, your choice.

  5. Then it's probably

    that girl that raped him before, since their routes are connected in the anime


    Hmm...I don't think so. Came across this:


    Luckily, it’s not really necessary to finish all the other heroines straight out though I’m not sure if there’s a need to play one specific route just to unlock Sora’s one. The route I played is Motoka and after that, I finally gained access to Sora


    Doesn't look like it has to be a specific one.

  6. I agree with you but even if these girls were annoying the most annoying character of this series was without a doubt the MC/Sora's brother (I can't and don't care to remember his name). I hope that the fact that you make his choices will allow me not to play a d*ck of a MC who sleep with all the heroins one after the other and once he's finished with them he just discarded them like some kind of "cheap one use onahole" before going for his sister --__--...


    It won't work that way. The routes will branch off after the common route.

  7. Games i'm looking forward to: Bioshock Infinite, Gta V, and Watch Dogs.


    I really enjoyed the first 2 Bioshock games. The first one was plain awesome. That twist in the middle of the game

    Would you kindly?

    The second one wasn't as good as the first one in terms of plot, but the gameplay was still pretty good. Really looking forward to Bioshock Infinite. If I could describe games in the form of art, Bioshock would be near the top of that list.


    For GTA V, really looking forward to the entire landscape. I'm a pretty big GTA fan, so this next one is probably at the top of my list. Not much has been revealed yet, so I can't really speculate on much. I think they did say airplanes were coming back, which was sorely lacking in GTA IV :p.


    Really don't know much about Watch Dogs but from what I saw at E3, it really stole the show. The rest of the stuff plain sucked(with the exception of The Last Of Us)



    These are the ones I can think of right now. I'm sure there are a couple more I'm looking forward to.

  8. Well, recently played through it. No in-depth analysis from me but at least they addressed some of the plot holes. Still feel let down by the ending and having no closure with crew members and relationships. Although I must say, some of the epilogue slides are pretty epic (zaeed comes to mind).

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