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Posts posted by desi

  1. Mk allow me to elaborate on the forum post part, I'm NOT saying that as soon as they reach a certain amount of posts that they be made a Forum Mod, I'm saying that as they reach a certain amount of posts they become applicable for Forum Mod of which Ivan would choose to have them or not, As someone who made a minimum of 800 bullshit posts would be pretty known around the forums as a spammer and wouldn't get it.


    Even having a certain threshold like a minimum number of posts decreases the application pool a lot. For instance, killerinsidee. The guy works his ass off in the tech section. He doesn't exactly have a huge amount of posts, so should he be disqualified for consideration because he doesn't meet the minimum threshold? My point is, putting a number on what should be a subjective assessment is a bad idea.

  2. the Post count part was a variable choice although if they've been around long enough to post that much then I don't see why it's a horrible idea.


    Because I can make numerous low quality posts and get a high post count and be given some type of authority over the forum. It just doesn't make any sense. I either like the handpick staff idea where you get status by the contributions you make on the forum, which isn't just posts. Or an application where you can apply to be a mod, like some other forums have. It's up to Ivan in the end though and decides if he needs mods or not.

  3. How are even half of these specifically 2D fetishes? Only chibi is.


    Doesn't have to be specifically limited to 2d. For instance, incest, particular imouto, is something that I probably have a fetish with. But this is only limited to 2d for me. I wouldn't think of seeing my relatives in that kind of light.

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