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Posts posted by desi

  1. Can anyone link me to the "Yandere" Translation site?

    Been kinda interested on that one, so I'd like to get the english patch when it comes out.

    Couldn't find it through google or VNDB though.


    Maybe Guest can confirm 100%, but I'm pretty sure they don't have a site. When it's fully translated, it'll be posted here so you probably shouldn't worry about that :)

  2. Played some minutes of the trial and damn, that game looks and sounds pretty sweet.


    Haven't tried it yet. I'll probably test it out for a bit once the patch releases. It pretty much has the same structure as G-Senjou No Maou, which I really liked. Each chapter has a particular heroine and you can continue down their path and get their ending or move on to the next chapter. Pretty pumped up for this VN.

  3. A pop up appears when ??? says "Chinami slept in, slept in, slept in!" and the game closes. I have the english patch 1.2 and everything works. This error appears: [ATTACH=CONFIG]4658[/ATTACH] Please help me i really want to play the game.


    If you get this error, the bug fix isn't applied or it wasn't applied in the correct way. Follow the first 8 steps in the first post.

  4. What are the chances of Alternate fable being translated in the near future?


    Not likely. Amaterasu (the group that translated the other series) said it isn't likely but it is possible depending how good it is.... aka... it's really not all that likely lol.

  5. PS I've yet to receive any response for help from the folks in this forum:cool:. Oh, well ...


    That is a completely unhonest response. Take a look here. I honestly don't know how you could make such a statement. Also, stop downloading the shitty nukiges. There are plenty of quality VNs on this site - Clannad, Ever 17, Muv Luv series, etc.

  6. ^ you're doing it wrong. You should at least let people know what the spoiler is about. Easy way to do it


    [.spoiler=MuvLuv]Muv luv spoiler here[./spoiler] without the periods


    or you could do something like


    Muv luv - [.spoiler]MuvLuvspoiler[./spoiler]


    Or else all the VNs are going to be bunched up within one spoiler tag and that might spoil some VNs that people haven't read.

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