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Everything posted by Maoh

  1. WANKEEEEEEEER! Can't unhear now.
  2. That is not malware of any kind (at least is not informing you of any real malware), the page is a scam so don't worry about it. I don't know if pressing the button i just marked will close it w/o popping another window, hopefuly it will, if it does opens another window feel free to close it, don't pay mind to the BS it says. Btw what browser are you using?, there's a extension on Chrome to block adds which is really useful preventing stuff like this, also i just found (and installed) one that blocks dialogue boxes like the one you're seeing, you could to give it a try.
  3. Yes there's some site that pops-up everytime you press free, but i haven't run into any problem by just closing it and pressing free again. Just tried it with some really old vn (i didn't know there was a vocaloid vn btw), downloaded perfectly fine. If you're still having issues you could you show us a screenshot of that security warning.
  4. Or just get win7. That's what all cool kids use nowadays.
  5. 20 Next time i'll ask Fluff about his family's story.
  6. You think your job sucks? Let me tell you about the people I work with. First, there's this supermodel wanna-be chick. Ok, I'll admit, she's pretty hot, but damn she is completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on her makeup. She is extremely self centered and never considers the needs of anyone other than herself. She is dumber than a box of rocks and I find it surprising that she has enough brain power to breathe. The next chick is exactly the opposite- she might even be one of the smartest girls on the planet. She has endless career opportunities but she's stil
  7. I'm still trying to figure out why people use Firefox or (god help them) Internet Explorer, Chrome is way easier and prettier and fast and safe...
  8. Wat You shouldn't need anything to download from mega, there's this little permision window that pops up once in a while "MEGA want to download something here {Accept} {Decline}" or something of the sort, but other than that is mere bs. Or... are you using Firefox or IE?.
  9. Yep, it's a little confusing the first time. But: When you download that MEGA link you'll get this: There's a .exe in each folder, you just play them in the correct order and that's all. There's a copy-paste thing you gotta do before playing for the first time, but it's all explained in the readme.
  10. The synopsios of Kira sounds like... fun; for some reason Ilya and nekomimi Rin came to my mind. Hearing that the anime is not just a compression of the vn is pretty exciting, now i'm looking forward to it (to see Miyo, i mean)
  11. That was one hell of a reply. Good to know the anime is good on it's own, i considered they'll screw it up trying to compress a entire vn into a 20-30 episode anime (like fate/stay, not bad but it wouldn't make sense for someone who hasn't read the vn), i'll give it a try. (and if i get bored i'll just skip till Miyo's scenes) I've never heard of Rei, i'll watch it after the original one to not lose the sequence, don't want to mess the story up in my head, such thing happens far too frequently... I'm not actually someone who enjoys mangas, i tend to get bored pretty quickly with them; i r
  12. Happy birthday you bitch! <3

  13. Damn General talk section moves slow... Higurashi novel was beyond good, i'm so glad i read it ( Now... is the anime any good?, would it break in 1003 pieces my perfect memories of the vn?, does it contains forced story to make it an anime?, does it contains Miyo in her sexy nurse outfit? (that last option would make it a must-watch instantly). Also, i noticed there are a few Higurashi this and Higurashi that in vndb, is there something relevant there or is just fan made crap?, is there actually a proper sequel to the game? (by proper i mean good, not like MLA Total eclipse, dear god i wi
  14. You couldn't go with the good ol' Truth do you? Alright then, post a picture of your cat. if you don't have one then your dog, else your fish, else.... yourself in underwear
  15. Nope i don't currently have, unless you count Lydia. whom i fus ro dah'd off a cliff... to show my appreciation. 1 - 2.
  16. Ok i guess is fair enough 21 TRUTH COME AT ME
  17. Rules are meant to be broken. like ulti's spelling.
  18. I took the first question, and i'm not a greedy bastard like oma.
  19. 5. You win this time, but i'll be back. with a disclaimer
  20. May i ask him for his credit card info? |・ω・)
  21. 18 - 19 - 20 that's a interesting reward, i bet ave is pm'ing himself as we speak for it
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