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Everything posted by Maoh

  1. ^ Overrated. Only thing that has made me cry like a pussy was Planetarian, thing is insane.
  2. The was some discussion about TSL crashing at the start, maybe it's related. And, have you tried running Unhack in compatibility mode?, other than that i have no idea, it's unlikely a game like that would've been made for a x64 environment, and after a quick search i wasn't able to find anyone with the same problem.
  3. Hello no i'm not expecting it for this year, but at this rate i'll learn the language and become a japanese citizen before they complete the translation.
  4. "Dear eroge goddess, please make Rance Quest's tl move more than 1% per week. Thank you. ~"
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by squareish style, i guess is something like Yu-gi-oh! drawings?. Anyways, have you read Muv-Luv?, cause you should.
  6. Alright so, error 1503 happens because you don't have the disc mounted, people at Fuwa said their patch has no crack I tried searching for this site's crack but Ivan's hatin' and posted a pre-patched version, but fear not! here's the crack (ofc use NoDVD Crack only), just follow their instructions and it should work like a charm.
  7. Alright so i did a little research and apparently that error is related to the fact you don't have the dvd in your pc (or the game can't read it). A good ol' crack should do the trick, this site hosted the file i saw earlier, it says "download this file and replace the file KishinHisho.exe" so it seems that's the file you need, i downloaded and scanned it with nod32 and it didn't came up with anything unusual, after that i ran it and my pc didn't exploded so it's safe. I don't know if the file you found and the one i saw are the same, and 4shared is a bitch when it comes to downloading as a
  8. The blue screen has those weird ass characters windows uses to replace kanjis, i know you've tried already setting region n language to japanese, but have you tried changing the unicode thing?. In the same window you use to change the keyboard input and language and all that stuff there's the "administrative" tab, below it there's the non-unicode option, try changing the setting to Japanese and restarting the pc.
  9. Yep, that link is as fishy as a barrel full of tuna. Try uploading a screenshot of the error, we might guess what the problem is (maybe)
  10. Can you post a screenshot from both the error and the game folder?
  11. Thanks!, how good of you. Switch i approve your post, here have a stamp. http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2010/305/9/9/chuck_norris_stamp_of_approval_by_vehemence_41-d31xmba.jpg
  12. ^ As choco said, i remember when i started playing Muv Luv i was like "fucking shit, i want to read something else instead", if i hadn't pushed my way through it i would've missed the awesomesauce after it. Sometimes the novel just don't gets better g-senjou, but hey, at least at the end you can say you gave it a try.
  13. Maoh


    It's working fine on my end.
  14. Hmm... there aren't much games that fit all the criteria since RPGs are really expensive to make (a company could make 4 visual novels with the time and resources spent making a single RPG). Luckily there are some good games out there, some personal recommendations are Utawarerumono, Sengoku Rance, Monster Girl Quest, Aselia the eternal (maybe) and Galaxy Angel for the lolz (the last two aren't +18 tho). If you forget the RPG req, i'd say Fate/Stay, Muv-Luv and Ever17 (these will keep you on the edge of your seat, mainstream ftw) And if you just want to cry like a little pussy you gotta try
  15. Why isn't this a unusual problem? Have you tried running the game on 'windowed' mode?, what do you mean "only returns to normal when I switch the computer back to its previous region"?, shouldn't the game be unplayable otherwise?, your example of Chrome piqued my interest, is the game's borders that are outside the screen or is the whole pc that does that when you try runing the game?
  16. Nope. I do know sometimes a file will stay idle at 99% while it gets written into the hard drirve (while downloading with chrome), but is only a matter of seconds for it to get done. Have you tried changing the download directory?, aditionally have you tried downloading stuff from another server?
  17. I know not what you mean by that, is the game windowed or full screen with a black border?, cause if it's the first you can just press CTRL + Enter, if it's the later i guess is the resolution and you would have to search for a option to change it.
  18. Are you extracting it from the first part? Have you tried selecting all of them and then right-click - extract here?
  19. Just downloaded OSTealer and tried it to make sure it works... i swear it worked for me in the past... If you want the cg you can just find it online, g.e-hentai.org has like all damn vns ever and maybe more.
  20. Crass makes me cry. Have you tried OSTealer?, i used it to extract steal some music from Yumina the Ethereal, didn't ran into any problem, i heard you can use it to get voices and effects as well, just search for the correct file inside the game's folder. For CGs i guess you could just search them online like this, now sprites are out of my expertise, i'm afraid i can't help you there.
  21. Maoh

    Purin to Ohuro

    I approve this. Fook off, that's Omega's job
  22. Maoh

    Purin to Ohuro

    I approve this.
  23. You sure you're running Jap character for unicode stuff?, cause your pc is translating kajis into gibberish like ¥í¥ß¥ª¤È¥·¥ó¥Ç¥ì¥é.
  24. Indeed, you only need arc.nsa from the 1st and 2nd game, once you copy them you can play the whole story from the 3rd game. And it seems like is not a problem with the downloads or winrar, is actually because your pc has not japanese language, let's just hope there won't be any problem with MGQ3 extraction.
  25. What's the error?, can you upload a screenshot? Most likely there's some corrupted part.
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