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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. From here on out its Saber only from me. Maybe some meat for Charlbeef. http://i.imgur.com/4WBROfE.jpg
  2. I'll buy Koihime Musou to signal at least one person's interest in the series. Not much else I can do to speed it up other than start learning Japanese.
  3. Rune's Pharmacy and Material Girl are pretty fun and have good h-scenes.
  4. The art on this looks really pretty and kind of stylish. I look forward to the translation being completed. Thanks for the info littleshogun!
  5. Kind of a weird issue but I have had it before with other games. Are you running as administrator?
  6. I'm stoked for Sengoku Rance's localization and the sequels. Basically a playthrough of the entire series is in order!
  7. There is honor in victory but not defeat. http://i.imgur.com/cyWPsb3.gif
  8. Good boy. http://pa1.narvii.com/5691/a810aa902226c69315b192f904036000c3f06040_hq.gif
  9. http://thickasians.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/sailor-moon.jpg
  10. Tentacles are an acquired taste but I can see your conundrum. After all, game play is what sold the tentacle genre for me.
  11. napoleon

    Escape from Fort Rugome

    ..."impregnable Fort Rugome---?" I have the very distinct feeling its not the fort that is going to be impregnated.
  12. Bleh, I wanted Amagami on PC but I guess emulating can't be that bad.
  13. Seconded. It looks average but I think we can expect it sooner rather than later.
  14. I am not a big yuri fan but this one does something for me http://img02.deviantart.net/09f4/i/2013/056/5/0/ecchi_wallpaper__1_by_kamudesignz-d5w6a7h.jpg
  15. Shut up because it's time to chow down.
  16. Aim. Squeeze. Chamber. Repeat.
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