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Everything posted by napoleon

  1. I'll see if I can't catch the next one. Imo anime movies tend to be better than their counterparts. I humbly submit Kara no Kyoukai for the next viewing!
  2. I uh... fifth(?) this. Have faith, we shall receive!
  3. Well, I've got some new titles to try. As the Japs are fond of saying "DOMO ARIGOTO, MR. ROBOTO"
  4. I've never used it but the only scenario in which i might would be if i was downloading everything that was ever uploaded here over the course of a weekend or however long the benefit lasts.
  5. Wahahah! The "delinquent" theme certainly does bear a resemblance to Lecher Bitch (the song you are referring to). For comparisons:
  6. I will, perhaps, watch this "SukaSuka" "Anime" and perhaps, I too, will enjoy it.
  7. Kyonyuu Fantasy Gaiden - March 29th release Oh. Mein. Gott. This could not have aligned any more perfectly with what I have planned. Let me tell you that I am excited for Thursday.
  8. Welcome to erogegames.com secretagentman, interestingly enough there are several eroges/visualnovels about secretagentmen and cute girls, check out Grisaia if you're up for it.

  9. Bienvenido a Erogegames, this is a cool website where cool people talk about cool japanese stuff. My name is Napoleon and i'm into super hardcore tsunderes! what's your favorite type of eroge/visual novel?

  10. hmmm, I have If My Heart Had Wings in my library and I've been meaning to get to it but there's another release coming out? Good grief! I can't imagine it being any better than the version that was delivered onto Steam but does anybody have the specifics?
  11. It'll be pretty wild if this one gets a translation, my biggest gripe in Honey Select was the lack of a complete english version which is a shame because Illusion makes some really nice 3d.
  12. The game you are looking for is Free Friends 2, there are only really two characters but I would still highly recommend this game.
  13. Anything from Kono Suba where they have the VA's singing is top notch imo, I really enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0KAFzm9MJE
  14. Very cute characters in this one, I hope to play it soon.
  15. Well shoot man, Yosuga no Sora is definitely the best eroge out there that fits that niche. I can't think of any others and that's a huge bummer because I agree with you one hundred percent. I let you know if I find any but I don't know of any that in the english language.
  16. I think its the game that is the problem and not your computer. I have experienced similar issues.
  17. Welcome to erogegames.com Trist19. There's a newish upload about butt loving if that's your thing!

  18. Even though it is free to play on steam it is not a game i would want to be seen playing on steam!
  19. I think I saw a day 3 build out earlier, it was just a lot of walking around and wondering where to go but it ended with an h-scene so theres that.
  20. mama mia, this game looks right up my alley.
  21. Nothing comes to mind that is on here. Try vndb.org and googlefu, if it's in English that should make it easy. Does the video for mentioned list the VNs?
  22. welcome to erogegames.com, check out Kuroinu when you get a chance or if vanilla is your preference then I recommend Wild Romance!

  23. ¡Mucho gracias! if it doesn't work then I will be back and you will hear no end of it.
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