welcome to erogegames.com wickedsilver. we've got some great uploads recently whether you're into hardcore or not so hardcore. feel free to add me as a friend or come to the shoutbox and say hello.
I humbly and respectfully put forward these sites:
Gelbooru | Anime and Hentai Imageboard -basically danbooru but different? more touhou or something? fuckin' beats me.
Tsumino - Free Premium Doujinshi and Hentai Manga - its like exhentai without the login.
/h/ - Hentai - Catalog - 4chan - My personal go to for finding recommendations
r/hentai on Imgur - That's right! Your favorite image sharing services has a dedicated feed for hentai!
Shin Koihime Musou - 93%. Renew the hype! A year until release? Maybe sooner? Maybe muuuuch later pending unforeseeable delays? Who knows! How Exciting!!
What's the image lil' miss twin tails from?
The accompanying manga for the as-seen-on-Tsumino doujinshi Ane Naru Mono!
Ane Naru Mono (The Elder Sister-Like One) | Manga - MyAnimeList.net
Amusingly, if you cut out all the XXX from the doujinshi you're still left with a really vanilla story about a boy and his onee-san.
Welcome to erogegames.com 404good! If you haven't already, there's a large library of english translated titles and if you have, stop by the Shoutbox to join in the groanfest fo new uploads!