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Bane Doyle

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10 Good

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About Bane Doyle

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  1. That's what I thought. Just wanted to actually be sure. I haven't played any games that needed the locale lately and this is the only one in my recent queue that needed it. So good to know what I need to do in the future. Thanks guys.
  2. So... I have a problem. I have a copy of this game and I have had it for quite some time. I had it when my last computer was dying 6 months ago, actually. I decided to open it up and finally play it just for the heck of it. That did not happen. Instead of the game starting up no problem, like it did on my old computer, it opens a blank screen with multiple windows beside it, including a blue box with an error message. Completely garbled as well, meaning the error text is in Japanese. Now, I think a few things that should be mentioned are: 1) My old PC was Windows XP. This one is Wind
  3. The reason has actually be stated in interviews and has been touched upon here. While they do make back their money on story games and they do make a profit, it's not really enough to get them more of the same stuff. Short nukige are easier and cheaper for them to get, faster and easier for them to translate, faster for them to push out, and cheaper for them to sell. Ergo, they get these and sell them to make a quick return and then add up their profit to show they DO make a profit and so they can use that money made back to get better games. It sucks. But it's true.
  4. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows Creeps To North America This Winter | Siliconera Take my money XSeed, it is ALL yours.
  5. Since it is a review, wouldn't a small amount of spoilers automatically be expected? Unless I don't care about spoilers (and normally I do not), I always skip to number ratings and the final thoughts. That way I get the gist of it, but I am not too spoiled to the point where nothing is a surprise. But that is just me.
  6. Hirameki International decided to license this game and then remove the H content completely. ... honestly... I don't think it was either an improvement or an impairment, since the story was meh and the art was "THIS IS PORN?!".
  7. Honestly, I don't mind waiting for games to be translated at all. I know that translation is going to take a long time, no matter who does it (granted, fantranslations make me more annoyed than official ones in general because they take longer, however JAST and the Nitro+ fiasco shit is annoying me more). I think it is worth the wait so long as you don only sit around and wait for THAT GAME. Read other games, do other things, and the waiting is ok. Wait for one game and one game only forever and you just want to give up hope.
  8. I enjoyed it a little, but it wasn't all that great. I ended up not finishing it, unfortunately, because I just could not get into it. Aside from writing issues, the look of the game really... annoyed me I suppose. Looking at minimized screenshots the game looks ok, but full sized? The sprites are blurry and out of focus. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it ended up giving me a headache since I have poor eyesight. It's a shame because they did have some honestly good ideas. They just executed it rather poorly.
  9. Virtually every track used in Saya no Uta has my undying love. Though Sin has a particularly special place in my memory.
  10. Finally a BETTER than decent VN on Greenlight to me. Why MG didn't put this one up from the get go I will never know. Yeah, I just ignore those considering Steam is made up of "THIS ISN'T A GAME GRAHR" kind of guys. At least this game isn't getting the worst brunt of comments. Love the guy saying it needs zombies.
  11. Great VN? ... Yeah no. AMAZING VN is more like it! I picked this thing up on a whim and managed to beat it in 2 days. I absolutely adore this game! I am waiting for the sequel as well.
  12. I live in good old "Amurica" so the general reaction is: Most people: A what? Gamers: That's not a fucking game! People who know of anime but don't watch it: You mean porn? (... ok, half right I guess)
  13. Go Go Nippon http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=93045793&ExtraParams%5B0%5D=&method=filedetails&controller=sharedfiles&insideModal=0&requirelogin=1 Date Warp Steam Greenlight :: Date Warp Loren the Amazon Princess Steam Greenlight :: Loren The Amazon Princess Fading Hearts Steam Greenlight :: Fading Hearts Spirited Heart Steam Greenlight :: Spirited Heart Coming Out on Top Steam Greenlight :: Coming Out On Top Always Remember Me Steam Greenlight :: Always Remember Me IceBound (No page at VNDB but claims to be one) Steam Greenlight :: Icebound Bion
  14. Like the Silent Hill comics. Or the Song of Saya comic.
  15. Of course the patch would finally come out once I can't download anymore. AGH. Oh well. If I come back and find non-torrent links somewhere I'll be happy anyway.
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