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Status Updates posted by Grimsha

  1. Im killing myself trying to remember what anime that image is from...

  2. Schoolwork? how fun!


    What subjects do you do? Depending on what they are, i may be able to help?


    Dont bother me with math though, i have no idea about math.

  3. Oh.

    Well.. Crap

  4. Not sure really. I need some hotties irl though, hah.

  5. Happy birthday Avenger

  6. Miss me? :B

  7. Been getting much sleep lately?

  8. V----- Aw man, now i just look like an ass.

  9. Try and just lay down 7-8 hours before you need to wake up and just think

    If you dont fall asleep, you will still be a bit more rested than if you were reading vns?

  10. I gave sword girls a shot, Interesting concept, Although i feel the OCD about collecting everything wont be evoked from that game :(

  11. Happy Birthday

  12. What deck did you choose?

  13. Ah, I took Darklore.

  14. Perhaps if i see you on this forum sometime on the weekend, we could have a duel, haha.

  15. v-- test tube?

  16. Nobu said (i was gonna same mom, but...you never no...you never no...)

    So i was asking, is the other option test tube?

  17. Hey Ryu, Do you translate VNS? Implement the translation to games?, or just keep track on who is doing what?

  18. Yachi stole my pants.


    Then my girlfriend

  19. Ahh Okay, I was just curious about some of the methods behind it, Thanks anyway.

  20. Been getting more sleep lately?

  21. Did you draw that yourself?

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