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Status Updates posted by ultimecea

  1. ok cool...

    lets see...

    i'm also Tomoyo's Lover..



    do you want any advice or something..

    i played thru nearly all translated VN's

  2. ok,,,proceed with caution~

  3. ok....i'll see it after work

  4. ok..

    done deal..



  5. pity...

    all the time you spend on the forum..

    i could finish a VN in the same day~

  6. planetarian is a win~~

  7. please..

    dont even think of giving me any advice on mangas or VN >.>

    you may tell me only bout latest anime..

    but no more than that..

    because..i know all that i need to know >.>

    im not being an OTAKU for past 18years for nothing~~

  8. Ray...you around??

  9. really??

    read the manga or watch the anime~

    hmm..nice background..UBW's???

  10. RM...

    good news for ya..

    NAGISA just died...

    i throw her into a garbage truck and she was mowed down by trash compactor before being raped by tons of slimy maggots...

    and how she turned fish food in mid of Pacific Ocean..

    mind to watch what kind of sushi you eat..

    there might be pieces of NAGISA~~

  11. Rukako..

    i need your help..

    rpl me ASAP~

  12. rukako..remember the torrent you gave me?

    do i need to dl the .cdi too???

  13. sad,,,,,sad,,,,,

  14. sad..

    you may be..


    why you post at your own wall??

    btw..me not Sunohara...

    cant you think something more related to me??


  15. sadly yeah..

    but based on the screenshot..

    its more to kanji..

    so i can still read it~

  16. sadly...

    i read thru grat VN with all my time available..

    then i re-run thru again~

  17. sadly..

    i'm a full blast S..

    so teasing is my strong point..

    think of super TsunTsun~DereDere

  18. same here!!! Ivan too..though he want Kaori more^^

  19. save wanko after Chris because Wanko's route are more touching~

  20. seems like your busy nowdays..still with the cosplay thing??

    or you started flyable????

  21. seriously??

    juz for the pics???

  22. she's cute in everyway..

    i love her from the anime..

    and the VN's..

    she a Megami~

    miyako are now translated only 40%

  23. since you have trigger the request of world most annoying bastard+Tomoyo's lover..

    i demand you to tell more bout yourself~

  24. since you re-start the loli thread..

    can you do the same for childhood friends??

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