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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. it wont be release until future notice... and there's no fan translation >.>
  2. fate/extra, Hakuoki, Disgaea Infinite , corpse party and its sequel and..no...im not into the type that port stuff here and there.. but...you'll get some stuff here
  3. there is VNs just for psp...but they mostly all ages and it is possible to play a pc's version in psp..provided you ported it to psp with correct gadgets and apps
  4. if you prefer to get shits from ANON..then you're welcome to~~
  5. ^ same here.. af far i know..Irosekai translator when into another "rush"
  6. ok..from what i discussed with the members of the forum.. we came to a conclusions that you might have downloaded the wrong patch for the wrong game.. from the screenshots..its point out thatyou were running a majikoi exe.. but in the folder..the name were actually majikoi s just download this patch and repatch your majikoi S game.. but i would recommend a full re-installation..just incase it was fucked up
  7. huh????????? i never seen that kind of error before.. btw..post the screenshots
  8. define/state properly what you mean but kamidori alike.. gameplay wise or that poor nukige feature?? if you like that kind of rpg game..try Utawarerumono or Castle Fantasia 2 but SENGOKU RANCE will be the best of any gameplay game but..if you just want harems...get Minna Daisuki
  9. can you actually give screenshots?? btw..did you have Daemon Tools to mount the ISO?
  10. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    i see.. well..im well known as the Flamer..so i dont care.. btw..drop by to SB
  11. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    you're dumb as usual.. did you even read what you posted in the thread??? you were asking for an updated patch!!! which they didnt even release newer ones for months!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. yes..its under regions and language for win 7 yeah..you can move it anywhere.. just that i recommended default directory just to make things simple
  13. nah..HE's just bullshitting around like usual.. hmmm...HE didnt even mentioned that Tick Tack is out... INTERESTING~~~
  14. nah..i wouldnt mind if that happens.. at least..if im not wrong.. little witch already dead~ this is a good news that arudoc is still in Vn business.. and its not Aaeru >.>
  15. ahh..i think i know whats wrong now.. just move the all the files from the folder with weird symbols to a newly created folder named "Sabato Nabe" then just overwrite the patch as usual.. btw..if im not wrong.. you didnt set your pc to jap locale..which explains those weird symbols at that folder and..mind that your game will be fucked if you dont use jap locale.. applocale will still condemn the game
  16. i dont see anything wrong with arudoc's actions.. after all.. he's a good and well known.. plus...he actually deserve something from all his hard work along these few years... i mean..i'll support both him and IXREC if they intended to collect funds and stuff as they spend their life translating VNs plus...at least arudoc aint like other no good, useless indie groupies that just wanted $$$ without actually prove their capabilities~ and sheesh...if Arudoc get 1 cent per view... he'll get his 2.5k like in a week
  17. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    i dont think it actually change anything though.. you should like able to read those Jap's words if you have jap region.. unless you dont actually have Jap region in first place btw...slave pagent dont need Jap locale since it was localised by G-collection... while Gang Rape Club were different though~~ and heck..that guy dont even reply anymore
  18. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    nah..i install the same ISO that he gets from here.. and if the files he gets from here were corrupted.. he wont even able to extract the ISO from Winrar.. plus..his replytells me that he dont even use jap region.. and if you look at the pic.. he should actually able to show all those kanjis and kanas in the installer if he have jap region instead of those mojos~~ while i dont use that crappy applocale.. i dont think installing 1 will actually cause that yen sign though.. and that backs my statement why i say he dont have jap locale..unless there's a better prove
  19. ultimecea

    Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

    dude..did you even see his screenshots?? how in your puny brain can you assumed he's already in jap locale??? and..i cant believe his ISO is corrupted from that image seems to me..that you just crap out lots of bullshit here
  20. hmm..i dont think its the patch problem then.. myb its because you dont have admin's right to overwrite the files??? btw..you do know how to take screenshots with the print screen button right??
  21. did you actually follow this?? i did stated that extract the patch to your installation directory can you give screenshots?? because i believe you did it all wrongly
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