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Everything posted by ultimecea

  1. Machine translations >.> Pun-kun just tired of getting hard on from the H scenes thats all.. and heck...it actually not much >.>
  2. phanta..i know but english is surprisingly good with flowery ways of expressing something.. though Mandarin have their poetic ways.. but try the Ixrec version when its out.. it'll be different..trust me
  3. IXREC version will have a better ways to express the VN~~
  4. wait till you have ixrec version.. then redo your review.. a review without ixrec version in mind is offensive and a let down~~
  5. >.> a review that dont even cover a fully released VN??? urgh...skipped
  6. the anime first few episodes actually compromised on Momoyo's route..the they move on to agave... and they add in kokoro's route at the end XD
  7. there's few type of english patch...which i seen over so far 1 cames with the executor which requires you to install the patch.. while another just requires you to copy paste and overwrite everything.. some even need you to patch the english patch into the iso and last one requires you to actually make another folder for it and like what baa-chan says.. its better to let us know the specific VN so its easier for us to help
  8. hmmmm...no changes here but i sincerely wants everything >.>
  9. i LOLz on Moogy is L >.> he can be that white shinigami though XD
  10. good to see nice progress is going on XD
  11. ultimecea

    Summer Days

    it wont get any translations until Worlds End >.>
  12. ultimecea

    Himegari Dungeon Meister

    nope...and no one is going to translate it.. just pray for aroduc that it was his new project~~
  13. ultimecea

    Himegari Dungeon Meister

    only NOOBS dont care bout the story >.>
  14. how can the game crash??/ im using the same Iso and patch >.>
  15. ^being made #1 target for switch trolling today V switch will appear
  16. its untouched... meaning the translations aint edited much.. but so far..im in chapter 4 if i remembers correctly.. and it aint bad~
  17. hmm..how old were you again?? well...you wasted that much time of your life being a person you are now for not translating any VN oh...btw i have an adopted family in Japan i you need to know >.>
  18. i have the iso here and the english patch with guides to patch it i cant upload my pre-patch iso because my internet speed is terrible >.> but you should able to patch it on your own
  19. you mean continuation of miyako after story huh.. well..with the speed they been working at.. surely they'll be tired out due to the burst~~
  20. she have it >.> she have the longest route instead of after story if im not wrong.. you'll have like 3 scenes with her...1 that include XD
  21. what????? lolz.. that updates were for Majikoi S and Miyako route for Majikoi is currently at 70%
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