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Status Updates posted by ultimecea

  1. like i've said..


  2. i insist you call him True Emiya!!!!!!

    i just cant wait to finish Majikoi and get my hands on Majikoi S!!

  3. lolz..

    then you miss the great scene of MSG

  4. eire???

    its "eiyu"

    haha..i still like calling him True Emiya...

  5. dude..how to stop it??????

  6. please..

    dont even think of giving me any advice on mangas or VN >.>

    you may tell me only bout latest anime..

    but no more than that..

    because..i know all that i need to know >.>

    im not being an OTAKU for past 18years for nothing~~

  7. thats what he call him..

    though the 're' have other meanings..

  8. yup..thats me alright..

    especially when they know nothing bout me..

    i never need any bloody intro..

    except something being non-OTAKU related~~

  9. haha...i like that autograph part...

    its so epic!!!!

    still there's meaning he called him "Ei-re" than Eiyu~

  10. haiz..

    well..write whatever you like..

    but..instead of making an advice..

    try change your sentences into a questions..

    that way..it wont disturb me much >.>

  11. sad..

    you may be..


    why you post at your own wall??

    btw..me not Sunohara...

    cant you think something more related to me??


  12. its total epic right??

    i laugh at Hideo's face when Yamato says everything is in plan..

    oh..my cute Mayucchi^^

  13. sweat...


    it feels weird when you stop arguing for a moment so i check...


    think up a good name for me...

  14. i just love Mayucchii...

    i believe you now in the battle part~

  15. that'll be too plain..

    i'm sure there's many Geass lover around would kill me..

    well proceed and lets see whether got any rejects~

  16. dan...get me the mini disc files~~

  17. good job Vun..

    but it'll be a while to up any pics for me..

    still pumping my hard disk again..

    its bout time you get to see Mayucchii super cute part

  18. hey ryu...are you seeding it??

  19. desi...can you get me links to agarest full dlcs?

  20. can you compile it into winrar and upload to mediafire??

    make 1 account..i try resize it

  21. come on..just for that..just for tomoyo's pic..

    i want them..


  22. hey Baa-chan..

    EVE and ADAM FACTOR were actually good >.>

    and whats your complete list anyway??

  23. do it..Onegai!!

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