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Visual Novels Translation Status [10/14/2012]

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Or did the 18+ apply to Alice 2010 as a whole and Widenyo simply got caught in the generalization crossfire?


Basically yes. Mamanyonyo had H-scenes, but Widenyo removed those and a good portion of the plot in exchangyoe for a huge screen and additional characters.


Anyways, here's a prepatched version of Widenyo to make it easier for you guys.



わいどにょ English v1.part1.rar download - 2shared

わいどにょ English v1.part2.rar download - 2shared

わいどにょ English v1.part3.rar download - 2shared

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I talked with somebody who already finished Widenyo and he told me some interesting things about the game. Here's our conversation.



Hey [username], will I be able to enjoy the game without having played all the other alice soft games? I mean, aren't there a lot of jokes which I won't understand?

Yes and no. I don't know the exact content of the dialogue since I played it in Japanese, but I can tell you that there isn't much of it. Waidonyo is Mamanyonyo that's been stripped of the entire story and had it's game elements simplified and reprogrammed until it became one of Alice's trademark endless games. It received a new widescreen resolution and half a million new characters to make up for that, but it's still a fairly pointless title to translate since it has no meaningful content.


After the introduction sequence, you get zero to four lines of dialogue per character unlocked. Most characters also have another two to four lines of dialogue if you toss them back into the castle for some reason. And that's all there is to the game, text-wise. The only things left are gameplay elements; character names, stats, item names, descriptions, etc. And the game is simple enough that translations of those aren't necessary at all.

I'm not amused. =\

Would that I jest. Translating Waidonyo is about as pointless as translating Dungeons & Dolls; there's hardly anything there to translate in the first place. That's not to say that they're complete wastes of time, because they're both decent "coffee break"-type games to play if you don't have a lot of time and want to play something that won't make you think, but there just isn't anything to them to make them worth translating. They're the Tetris of visual novels.


... Although D&D at least has H-scenes, I guess.

*reads through all of [username]'s comments again*

Yep, no Waidonyo for me.

I don't understand why it got translated at all... Unless it's some beginner's project or something, to get some practice before jumping into translating a real VN.


Oh well. The sun is rising. Time for sleep.



So yeah, Waidonyo is basically an endless game without a story.

Edited by OneManArmy
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There hasn't been any talks about actual progres in the translation of Majikoi in their IRC and it's ArchDemon whos been reuploading the old reviews.


On the other hand Aiyoku no Eustia Fione patch should be done in near future.


Good and bad news then.. Id prefer some progress on Majikoi rather than Eustia, but cant have it all i guess.


Anyone got an idea how far they actually are on Eustia?

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Good and bad news then.. Id prefer some progress on Majikoi rather than Eustia, but cant have it all i guess.


Anyone got an idea how far they actually are on Eustia?


Well, I did beta test the Fione patch some time ago (deadline for reports was 10. Oct) and think SlashZero said at the start of this week that he was 1/3 through the beta reports.


For those who don't know, Eustia is split in 5 Chapters, each focusing on one heroine (Fione is chapter 1) and splitting up into that heroines route. So basicly same as G-Senjou no Maou.


Don't have any info on how far translation on Eris route (chapter 2) is.

Edited by Savon
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How long do you recon each route is? I kinda liked the way G-senjou worked out. Meant you didnt really have to re-read alot of text all the time


I'd say the chapters are about the same length as G-senjou, maybe a little shorter. Can't really remember well about the length of G-senjou since it's been a while since I played it.

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Well, according to VNDB, Aiyoku no Eustia are much more longer than G-Senjou no Maou.



For those who don't know, Eustia is split in 5 Chapters, each focusing on one heroine (Fione is chapter 1) and splitting up into that heroines route. So basicly same as G-Senjou no Maou.

Oh, so the routes structure are like G-Senjou no Maou... I'm getting more interested in this VN now. (`ー´)

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Eustia is much longer. It's ~40k lines vs ~70k lines.


Well, as I said, I can't really remember the length on G-senjou since it's been almost a year since I first played it and I just got a similar feel of length from the Prologue and chapter 1 from Eustia.


Anyway... the game looked really promising already from the trial and even more so after playing the first chapter.

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I guess I'm the only one that didn't like the G-Senjou no Maou structure then, cause I didn't like the way they treated the sire heroines.




And their stories on each route were kinda on the weak side too.

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I guess I'm the only one that didn't like the G-Senjou no Maou structure then, cause I didn't like the way they treated the sire heroines.




And their stories on each route were kinda on the weak side too.


I might have forgotten about this, since i completed the game a long time ago.


Now that i think about it, didnt Sharin no Kuni use the same style?

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I might have forgotten about this, since i completed the game a long time ago.


Now that i think about it, didnt Sharin no Kuni use the same style?


Nope, Sharin no kuni is very linear. The only thing that was different were a few dialogue changes, h-scenes, and the epilogue.


Regarding G-senjou, I did feel that the side routes were kind of mediocre.. but the true route was awesome and had a nice build-up... but yeah, they kind of did sacrifice the quality of the side routes.

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double post for important and awesome news


Shizuru route in Rewrite is done.. woot




Rewrite Total Lines: 75493/101220 (74.58%)


Next route is the Akane route


Akane Route

Scripts: 0/3 (0%)

Lines: 0/10440 (0%)

KB: 0/376.95 (0%)


After this route, Ixrec will release another partial patch with the 5 heroine routes translated so far. He said he expects this patch to be out in less than a month. Rewrite is inching closer and closer to competition.

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double post for important and awesome news


shizuru route in rewrite is done.. Woot




rewrite total lines: 75493/101220 (74.58%)


next route is the akane route


akane route

scripts: 0/3 (0%)

lines: 0/10440 (0%)

kb: 0/376.95 (0%)


after this route, ixrec will release another partial patch with the 5 heroine routes translated so far. He said he expects this patch to be out in less than a month. Rewrite is inching closer and closer to competition.



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Still not going to play it until is 100% finished.


Neither am I, that "Hooray" was for progress, it's almost 3/4 done. And my "hooray" was written in all caps, but for some reason it changed to lowercase after i submitted it. Ivan has some sort of all caps blocker or something.

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Week 16

Margit Route

Translation: Complete

Editing: Complete (QC is well underway)



Kokoro Route

Translation: Complete

Editing: Complete


Just need to get the Kosugi Route and the skits done then QC it all.

Majikoi S status...

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After this route, Ixrec will release another partial patch with the 5 heroine routes translated so far. He said he expects this patch to be out in less than a month.



Still not going to play it until is 100% finished.

Yup, same here. I promised myself that I'll never play a partial translation again. 11eyes was too much pain for my soul. =\

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Yeah, i'm not playing it until the full patch is out either. I actually probably won't play it until he finishes translating the fandisc, which might be a while from when he finishes Rewrite. Just saying, you only have ~15k lines after the partial patch until the full patch is out. Pretty damn good news.

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Rewrite Total Lines: 75493/101220 (74.58%)


Next route is the Akane route


Akane Route

Scripts: 0/3 (0%)

Lines: 0/10440 (0%)

KB: 0/376.95 (0%)


After this route, Ixrec will release another partial patch with the 5 heroine routes translated so far. He said he expects this patch to be out in less than a month. Rewrite is inching closer and closer to competition.


Something to look forward to.

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