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Everything posted by VNHunter

  1. Cross days NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Information >> [Zero-Raws] Cross Days (mdf mds rr3) | Anime, manga, and music - Just say the word Summer days NyaaTorrents >> Torrent Information >> Summer Days(8.30GB) | Anime, manga, and music - Just say the word tested them both... poorly seeded having 3-5 seeds each... hope this helps...
  2. ^don't make me laugh, I don't even know where that came from... -_- [spoiler= DO NOT OPEN IT!!!]
  3. ^7/10 Saya... sometimes cute... sometimes... nevermind... XD
  4. start college???

    a high school student eh??? (correct me if I'm wrong)


    annoying teachers??? just think of them as tomatoes... XD

  5. ^an alien??? danisco, I can't read japs, I can only understand them IF I HEAR THEM... look at my sig...
  6. [spoiler=route guide] At some point during chapter 3 ( sometime it will happen at chapter 2 for Yuela's route) you will be awoken at night and can either go hit on Yuela or go back to sleep. If you hit on her you will be locked into Yuela's route. Regardless of your choice, you will later be asked by Serawi to come with her to see something really important (corruption), but you already had plans with the other two girls. If you choose "Serawi is more important" and go with her you will start the Serawi route, but only if you did not already start Yuela's route; if you did start Yuela's rou
  7. *accepts the cake*


    thank you...

    more please (just kidding)


    see you at the forums... and the SB

  8. oh yeah... here's a question for you... BIG DEAL???
  9. GO for ALL quests... you'll miss some characters... [spoiler=unlockable characters that start by getting quests from the bar] Roka, Evelyn, Lyphia
  10. WTF is happening here?!?!? an Ixrec occult has been made... (does Ixrec even know about this???)
  11. Can't blame them... they're doing it for FREE...
  12. your welcome...

    more birthdays to come...

    god bless


    Wait a minute... where's the cake??? XD

  13. depends on you... I enabled everything except "remove enemy level cap"... because if you enable that, all enemies become LEVEL 99... even those puttetos... XD
  14. Wil is the only one that will trigger those... it's either you use Wil with "firewalk" skill to go there... or have kohakuren use "displace" skill on Wil to teleport him there, then have Wil "standby" (click Wil while it's his turn) to trigger it...
  15. happy Birthday...



  16. just go on the second map... the game already records the data for those once you finish them... finish them all... to get a "prize"
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