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Everything posted by VNHunter

  1. Welcome to the forums...

    Thanks for the add...


    I'm a little (I mean really) busy on OJT and school at the moment...

    If you need help on something, just PM...

  2. Thanks for the add...

    nice profile pic...

    I'm a little (I mean really) busy on OJT and school at the moment...

    If you need help on something, just PM...

  3. sorry... Hunter is being tortured on his OJT (On the Job Training) and school at the moment...

    respawn time is unknown...


    LOLz... sorry,,, pretty messy and busy here...

  4. sorry... Vino is being tortured on his OJT (On the Job Training) and school at the moment...

    respawn time is unknown...


    LOLz... sorry,,, pretty messy and busy here...

  5. LOLz... I liked the 3rd the most... XD don't remind me... I still haven't played that one... T_T
  6. Welcome to the forums... If you need anything regarding VNs, just ask... make a thread or drop by the ShoutBox...
  7. Contra Riviera The Promised Land Crash Bandicoot Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Megaman Zero 2~4 Yggdra Union We'll Never Fight Alone Rampage Old ones... XD
  8. hohohohoh... one of my favorites... Lacus Clyne (Rie Tanaka)... Kikuko Inoue??? hmmm... correct me if I'm wrong, she voiced Sanae on Clannad right???
  9. LOLz... I already played/read some untranslated VNs like F/HA, draco-riot, Akatsuki no Goei and some nukiges before... XD if I want it, I get it... like a sir!!!
  10. Grisaia no Kajitsu... all done at last... tried to install "something"... but failed on the nodvd patch 20 times today... next on my "to do" list is muv luv but still can't find the urge to read/play it...damn... maybe I'll go for Duel Savior now...
  11. LOLz... WTH happened to alice?!?!? XD yandere updated... it's about time...
  12. Thanks for the add...

    see you at the forums...

  13. VNHunter


    Yep... NASUniverse is one of the greatest...
  14. THAT RED HARUHI!!! thanks for sharing... ok... just got myself a good "present"... XD [spoiler=the present] http://i49.tinypic.com/2njeexd.png thanks to hyromaru for this one... XD
  15. ^LOLz switch ^^Star... my trademark in the SB... 3 dots/question marks... XD

    as long as it's haruhi!!!


    thanks hyromaru...

    specially for the wallpaper... custom made just for me!!! XD

  17. ehhh??? unfair!!! no secrets!!! XD


    hmmm... as my birthday present, how about telling me what's your real gender???

    come on little bro/sis... XD

  18. Thanks wolf... XD

    by the way... who is that "CUTENESS"?!?!?

  19. Thanks Otamega...


    so??? where's the cookies?!?!? XD

  20. Thanks harle...

    I'll b sure to send you some "presents" when it's your turn... XD

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