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Everything posted by charlbeef

  1. i wish nitro+ chose mangagamer as its publisher :[
  2. i havent red this vn translation yet, and 1stly i want to thank the translation team for their efforts despite some people complaining on grammar issues. i must say i still prefer reading a translation with grammatical errors than machine translation.
  3. hi i cant find it on the site, and also.. the all age version is out, and i think the 18+ patch is also out, so if anyone got a link for the 18+ patch. dont hesitate to reply it here. https://vndb.org/v17564
  4. hi inferno, when the time comes and you feel like it, can you give the unfinished ones here a shot, for training purposes some are nearing completion
  5. THANKS for confirming! i think the poster on nyaa is getting bashed by naming it falsely
  6. can someone confirm if this is indeed it? or false? my internet too slow.. https://torrentz.tormirror.faith/bacf05e86fc937f7f27b3a91d176d3b23db475c8
  7. remove this... its 100% translated now.
  8. I somehow navigated to the japanese website of lass and found the link for patch 1.01 http://lasslass.sakura.ne.jp/support_patch/11eyes_update_patch101.zip
  9. OH So its one of the cursed ones... thanks for taking a huge slice of your time in exorcising the curse. but seriously.. thanks..
  10. so majikoi a-2 translation finished, im not sure if im violating some rules here or if im posting in wrong section or messing up some protocols, but ill post anyway. but please dont hesitate to tell me if i messed up somehow, and please teach me how to delete post xD patch announcement: https://majitranslations.wordpress.com/
  11. Hello, i have downloaded Kikokugai – The Cyber Slayer vn from erogedownload.com in this page and have failed to see, the patching instructions. that admin mentioned(see image below). i have tried pasting the extracted contents of the patch to the game installation folder, and it opens a window, although in english... it is different from the unsubbed game, which shows, start load and exit menu 1st.. i usually try to fix stuff by my own, but this one is beyond me, and i really can appreciated some help [ATTACH=CONFIG]12658[/ATTACH]
  12. how do i delete a thread, this thread is an eyesore...
  13. ohh damn... didnt notice, interface patch only. Dx
  14. hi, i cant seem to find this awesome vn in the site download page, may i request this vn? or a link if its already posted? Vndb: https://vndb.org/v17515 http://www.game-ost.ru/static/covers_soundtracks/7/2/72827_157144.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAJYVjxC0d4
  15. sorry my english is not yet very good, i failed to comprehend your comment.. can you rephrase pls ^_^d
  16. its ok, you don't have to feel obligated to upload it to the site, no worries.. just upload it if you feel like it.
  17. charlbeef

    ChuSinGura 46+1

    install both the jap and the non jap version... play the jap version for h scene... and return to english version for the story..
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