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Penguin in the red Tuxedo

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Everything posted by Penguin in the red Tuxedo

  1. No we are not. Next I will send you to rehab for being a pedo.
  2. True and that can never be undone. Now what to do since Kami is in FagHab ( Rehab for newly appointed Fags to come to terms with their gay side)
  3. I owe you one. I spent over a year looking for it.
  4. good one desi now the jury cannot deny the fact that kami is a fag. What will your next master piece be?
  5. Kami will sniff nekos panties whilst fapping to the village people, this is known. However it was also revealed he is a masochist who enjoys public displays of humiliation and sexual violation as revealed by desi and kamis own testimony earlier this day. The prosecution calls desi to the stand.
  6. Hello. A quick intro here Favorite Movie: Return of the Jedi Favorite Band: Rammstein Favorite Game: Demon Souls Favorite T.V Show: Scrubs Favorite Eroge: School Days because of the funny endings. If you have any inquires about my self please don't hesitate to ask.
  7. Or in the ending where Katsura knifes Sekai like this These are the endings I prefer because I feel all warm and tingly inside, also hungry. Might have a steak now with some chips and mashed potatos. Sorry for the double post it just won't let me have two videos in the same post.
  8. I agree with one man army. The general "happy" ending in most games where the two characters are forever happy and in love just suck. Now a true "HAPPY" ending is the ending in schooldays where Kotonoha Katsura come up to the happy couple of Makoto Itou and Sekai Saionji and declares before the both of them you will never be happy and jumps off a building and lands in front of them and forever ruining there relationship as seen in this video
  9. All i have to say is the onlything worse than the title is the type of people who can only get off to this sort of stuff. That said the name made me spill coke on my laptop due to the sheer force of a very violent body spasm brought on by the disturbing yet funny as all hell title and description.
  10. Top one for me as long as it fits the scope of the game. If it is a game about some person trying to sleep with as many people as possible then there should be plenty of sex scenes with numerous partners and acts. That said he/she shouldn't fall out of the shower and into random person unless it is made clear at the very beginning of the game that it is fact a comedy as well. Also it must never have tentacles and shota/loli because no one wants to shack up with tentacle monsters and loli/shota, enough said.
  11. Tentaclesfor me and under age stuff. Other than that I will give it a shot. Also xheck out this linkTentacle Monster - Wikiality, the Truthiness Encyclopedia it will reveal the truth about tentacle rape and those who like it.
  12. For me it was around the time me and my friends started watching anime. My best friend comes up to me and sais "The Japanese have porn games" and I said "What like strip poker or Leisure suit Larry?". So he had me play one of the he had downloaded because he wanted me to help him unlock all the cgs before his gorlfriend was going to format his computer later that day due to his porn addiction. At first I hated it because of the fact he was forcing me to beat the game several times in a row in a number of hours for which he thanked me by having me go home. Then I discovered Duel Saviour Justice
  13. Hey can someone please upload Transvestite plan. Every time I search for [HF]Transvestite Plan[H-Game] I get links to hotfile but they have been removed and when I search for the game without the [HF] I can't find anything at all. I know this may be a long shot but I would really appreciate it if someone did this.
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