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Zero Dilemma

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Everything posted by Zero Dilemma

  1. Heh yeah I also find that debate funny. Here's the link by the way.
  2. Quite a few movement we got this week, with Anzu guy returns and all. Also Tinypic always give me "invalid image format" error whenever I tried to upload this week's release picture (even though it's in the usual Jpg format). Don't know what caused this and don't know how fix 'em. Any suggestion?
  3. ~~H-RPG Translation Status~~ Google the RJ Code for more info Kagura Games (RJ212828) President Yukino – Coming soon Fan Translation Projects (RJ213863) Anthesis – Picked up (RJ145726) A Tale of Two Swords – Stalled, translator went to Japan for undergrad studies (RJ182139) Dungeon Repeater - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ223522) Eileen ~The Curse of Futanari Succubus~ (MTL) - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ183431) Fallen Princess Lucia Story - Waiting turn, Currently translator works on another project (RJ206082) Flash cycling - Waiting turn, curre
  4. Mangagamer's announcement pleased me. Now we just have to wait for Nekonyan's surprises.
  5. For now Amatsutsumi is on the top of my wishlist.
  6. Restoration patch for the game: https://mega.nz/#!DhZjVaaY!bRme2CIUJgF2KIGd8XjwHZQAMnn5FxkErPqRB8MeMLU
  7. ~~H-RPG Translation Status~~ Google the RJ Code for more info Kagura Games Fan Translation Projects (RJ145726) A Tale of Two Swords – Stalled, translator went to Japan for undergrad studies (RJ182139) Dungeon Repeater - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ223522) Eileen ~The Curse of Futanari Succubus~ (MTL) - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ183431) Fallen Princess Lucia Story - Waiting turn, Currently translator works on another project (RJ206082) Flash cycling - Waiting turn, currently translator works on another project (RJ217876) Forest of Abyss 2- Updat
  8. Happy Birthday!!!

  9. Zero Dilemma

    2236 A.D.

    Hmmm... Is that so...
  10. Zero Dilemma

    2236 A.D.

    Any opinion on this one? Looks like some horror sci-fi VN mixed with some yandere stuff...
  11. Zero Dilemma

    Shining Song Starnova

    18+ patch for SSS: Dropbox - SSS_Denpa Patch_Post.zip
  12. Zero Dilemma

    Shining Song Starnova

    This one is the 18+ version, there's no needs for any patch.
  13. ~~H-RPG Translation Status~~ Google the RJ Code for more info Kagura Games Fan Translation Projects (RJ145726) A Tale of Two Swords – Stalled, translator went to Japan for undergrad studies (RJ182139) Dungeon Repeater - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ223522) Eileen ~The Curse of Futanari Succubus~ (MTL) - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ183431) Fallen Princess Lucia Story - Waiting turn, Currently translator works on another project (RJ206082) Flash cycling - waiting turn, currently translator works on another project (RJ217876) Forest of Abyss 2- Updat
  14. FYI, there's a single H scene removed from the english release. Jast hidden censorship strikes again.
  15. It's not the worst. Remember how Moefuck butchered Konosora, forcing PabloC and MeruP to RE-TRANSLATE the whole game. But sure Sekai's asshole nonetheless.
  16. Whoah! That was fast! Thanks Ivan, even though I don't really like both acerola's artstyle and genre, I'm gonna try this one at least once.
  17. ~~H-RPG Translation Status~~ http://i64.tinypic.com/2ni0ebn.jpg Google the RJ Code for more info Kagura Games Fan Translation Projects (RJ145726) A Tale of Two Swords – Stalled, translator went to Japan for undergrad studies (RJ182139) Dungeon Repeater - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ223522) Eileen ~The Curse of Futanari Succubus~ (MTL) - Work in Progress, no release date yet (RJ183431) Fallen Princess Lucia Story - Waiting turn, Currently translator works on another project (RJ206082) Flash cycling - waiting turn, currently translator works on another project
  18. Happy Birthday Senpai!

  19. He did released them in separated files, maybe he will compile them into a single patch after he finished his work.
  20. A Fuwa user by the name HoplessHiro has released two decensor patches for Maitetsu. Each one for the first two H-Scenes. This work is still in progress, I'll update whenever he posts new patches. Uploadfiles.io - patch2.xp3 Uploadfiles.io - patch2.xp3 Just put the patch2.xp3 in the Maitetsu folder.
  21. Ever 17 I guess? It was first released back in 2002 for Dreamcast. Now I replay it to better understand the story.
  22. Sorry to burst your bubbles Vulturis, but Ivan (the Admin here) usually don't post untranslated VNs (in the past he did, but now he stopped doing that) like the ones you requested. I suggest you put your request on Anime Sharing for a better upload chance. Oh and welcome to the site.
  23. ZAP Interface Translations: Amayui Castle Meister Translation Check the link above. Maybe He/She will finish it someday, who knows? It's still a long way though with only the prologue patch just recently released.
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