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Everything posted by beal

  1. I like the glasses top with checkered bikini
  2. I miss this show.. too bad the manga is over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmHcTME4gpE
  3. I'm good with large breast unless they start looking like Jupiter then that's when you go wtf
  4. I woke up with my neck hurting.... probably slept in an uncomfortable position again.
  5. beal

    Accel World

    I'll check it out after I catch up with Kiss X Sis, sounds interesting enough to give it a go.
  6. Here is a bikini girl with a gun
  7. Koihime Musou Hoshizora Memoria Deardrops
  8. nothing special... just another cute anime girl holding a weapon... that seems to be a pretty popular theme for wallpapers
  9. Sure I like lolis... but mostly because they're cute and funny, nothing else. I have to take care of one a lot so it gets pretty weird in my mind when I start looking at lolis sexually.
  10. I feel lucky today but what do I know, I sprained my wrist on my b-day and have to write painfully slow with my non-dominant hand..
  11. It doesn't show the face but who cares
  12. Popcorn Avatar The Breaker: New Waves The World Only God Knows
  13. it's a bit small compared to most of the pics here but it is hot
  14. I guess for me a combination of an airhead and energetic type and I guess even a klutz in there but just for the moeness... and a little bit of eccentric in there too.
  15. before I go... gotta post some ecchi lol
  16. succubus/female demons with silver hair fits really well i say
  17. Agreeing with the rest that either or is fine and I don't mind it at all as long as the H-scenes are well-drawn with good moaning...
  18. Started Ever17 last night and it's very interesting, I kept on reading till 3 in the morning lol
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