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Spaghetti Os

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10 Good

About Spaghetti Os

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 05/17/2004
  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    Lolism is our religion. Devoted to flat, and flat only. And we are friends with the Lolicon Club.
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    We love visual novels, this group involves talking about visual novels. Join to discuss with fellow visual novel enthusiasts.
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    Its time to rise and kill all those NTR's bitch!! let rain of fire burn them down~
  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    Well, the title says it all really. Actually, why have I created this group? I think I'm just bored. Oh well. Don't forget to take part in group discussions if you want.
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    Group that admires Ryukishi/07th Expansion and the titles they produced: The opinions on the art might be divided, but the scenarios are always genius! Moderated because of possible trolls.... (obviously) Don't post spoiler-pics!
  • Public Club  ·  Last active

    Into nice boats? Like your love to be cute AND psycho? This is the place for you. We're chaotic neutral and have no real alliances, so everyone who enjoys our adorable little yanderes can join~
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    A group for those who love/like gore on any kind of way.
  • Public Club

    For those of us who have nothing better to do then posting in the shoutbox all day long. EDIT: Everyone free to join
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