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Everything posted by strom

  1. Tsk, Gerard. You forgot some things.
  2. If you don't want to wait for JAST's version of Saya no Uta, you can already download it. It has been released for a long time: Download english hentai games - Song of Saya The only real difference is the uncensored CGs, and probably some text change from a re-translation. And as for when the JAST version itself will be uploaded? Well, whenever it gets uploaded. No time-frame can be given.
  3. The problem is, with this company, is that if you read the link Gerard posted then it pretty much states that they will never release a complete 18+ game. They don't want the 'porn' stigma attached to their company. So yeah, if they decide to translate another previous 18+ title that doesn't have an all ages equivalent, guess what? They will censor it. Not buying it won't matter, they still won't localize an 18+ game. It is either sink or swim with them censoring 18+ titles to conform to a lower age rating, or they need to just completely only translate titles that have an equivalent all
  4. Jast care already, OMA, jast care. It isn't right to not jast care about the comments I spent sooo much time (like 1 minute) coming up with. It makes me when you don't jast care.
  5. See Summer 2014. Holy shit! They actually released something! Another year or 2. A couple years after Hanachirasu because some engine problem will pop up delaying it even longer. Don't even want to know. 'Issues' is their statement that it might take between 5-10 years to actually get the company to work on those issues. Something will pop up that fucks up its current translation to make it have to be re-translated again. Futher delaying the delay of a delay. Perfect. Will be released this year because, hey, its Aroduc. Will never see the light of day. See
  6. Basically, there is no way we will ever see an 18+ VN from them. Period. They better hope they don't fuck up their censoring attempt to get a lower rating to reach a 'wider audience', or that will haunt them. Still don't understand why they just didn't go with a VN that is already made for the all-ages category, instead of doing this? And I still don't know what 'wider audience' they hope to reach with basically zero real attempts at even marketing the damn VN. Well, I will be taking a 'wait and see' approach to them. Will I buy it? Maybe, if they don't fuck up their censoring attempt
  7. Mind Screw 3.0 - Well, I will look forward to that.
  8. Well, supposedly this is the CG the game has, and you can see how much they will be cutting out by making it 'all-ages': AN ENGLISH RELEASE?!
  9. MG made a comment (on their blog I think) that Monday or so they will be releasing the guide us beta testers had to use to test the game. Good luck deciphering it. Overly complicated system was used for the routes and scenes.
  10. Well, there were a few engine problems with displaying things like : [ ] , and a few other engine problems when I was beta-testing the game. So they are most likely in the process of fixing that, and the company is most likely busy with other stuff. Their releases come before fixing an engine *looks at Nitro+*.
  11. Yes, Tick! Tack! has been released. You can bitch at me if you find any errors or spelling/grammar mistakes. Just know that if you do, 0 fucks will be given. Edit: And no, I will not be uploading a walkthrough for that convoluted choice system. Was a pain in the ass to get through and beta test with what they gave me. I am not going to put in a ton of effort to try and get a guide ready for it.
  12. strom

    SSSS: Super Secret Sexy Spy

    Don't forget CUMDUMP. Can't remember what it stood for when I was beta-testing the title, but I know it was also lame. As for who buys the shit... Well, the company that made the game is still in business, so someone does. It is sorta a good thing that the company that makes the game was pretty much throwing the titles at MangaGamer to translate. Probably saved them a lot on licensing the titles since they didn't have to do as much negotiating as other titles.
  13. Yes, Mashiro Iro Symphony was previously started and partially translated by NNL. They want MG to get the rights to TL and sell the title so they can finish their Translation, but I doubt that will happen.
  14. You asked for it, one machine translated VN to ruin your life coming right up! Once I stop being lazy and get a hacker for it... Which will never happen. Also, The webpage at https://erogegames.com/members/onemanarmy/albums/visual-novel-screens-2/8784-strom-mocking-me~.jpg has resulted in too many redirects. = your picture fails!!!
  15. Don't know why, but I can't see that image and trying to open it into another window gives me an error.
  16. I was actually wanting something along the lines of creating a war also... But I knew not to get my expectations up about that. Hell, I was hoping there would be a route for Sia's mom, but that was not to be. I will use my technical knowledge of Japanese (none) and the wonders of a the messed up machine translation to ruin any love you might have for the VN.
  17. Well, Harukoi had some pretty good routes, but the testing aspect (along with the fucking god awful translator used) made it a mess to deal with. Eroge! I really don't care about, and SSSS is a nukige.. 'nough said about that. Tick! Tack! was pretty decent, as far as the story goes. The endings are pretty generic in and of themselves and not worth seeing them all. Plenty of loli, and loli, and some more loli... And occasionally some big boobs, but I don't care about those. And you get to do this: I truly don't think that is a spoiler as you find that out pretty quick, but just put
  18. Well, SSSS which they wanted to have released for Winter was pretty meh to begin with, so the delay isn't really a big deal. Harukoi was a mess and a half (just mention it and me in the SB and you might get a reaction from those that heard my thoughts on that). Eroge! is... Something I hope I never have the pleasure of testing. I'm not into the whole 'scat' thing it seems to have going on.
  19. Lol. It would have been funny to do something like a war, but comeon.. This is Shuffle. The most they will do is let you screw a loli... Yes, some text might have been tweaked to allow for a release in the more strict countries because of this. I am having a blast reading the TL comments about loli Nerine.
  20. Nope, this is purely for Nerine, so it is about the Devil side. The whole changing history is (from what little I have played) about changing what 'form' Nerine is in at the end. I will have a little more detail about that once I actually get to an ending. Basically, she has a more outgoing form, her usual form (like what you see in Shuffle), and a small form. Choices you make determine what she looks like as you progress. Different forms have different text on some scenes and whatnot. Not the best thing, but it's decent so far.
  21. Yep. It's mainly something happened that caused some of the group to go back in time 20 years. Now you have the choice to change history or make sure it keeps on track.
  22. I'm playing/testing Tick! Tack!. Should be interesting to see what happens on the 5 different endings.
  23. Tick! Tack! from MG is now in Beta Testing. Testing should be done in a month, and then the Spring release that is planned for it. Looking over the Testers Guide... it is going to be a hassle to test. Lots of choices, and there are lots of requirements (so it seems) that affect choice dialogue, scenes, and endings. Hopefully I can come up with a good guide for everyone to follow when it is released, but I don't know if I am going to want to deal with that hassle. Ninja Edit: Also, the demo has just been completely tested. As this is an Engine swap, some problems popped up that I am hop
  24. Yes OMA, Master has returned. It's time to punish the foul people of this forum once again with my bitching and moaning!!
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