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Outpost Omega J

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Everything posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Out of curiosity, does the re-release of Utawarerumono (Steam link for reference: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1151450/Utawarerumono_Prelude_to_the_Fallen/) have an 18+ patch? As far as I understand it, the version available on steam is all ages, and I can't seem to find evidence of a patch to restore the adult version content, as is the case with some Steam release titles. I get that the version on steam isn't a direct port of the earlier version available on this website, it has UI and graphical updates, but I can't fathom why the would go to the trouble of redoing an 18+
  2. Seconded. Though if I had to guess, comment about the quality check for the first three chapters being done means they're in the process of a final review before releasing the other wise completed translation patch.
  3. Wow! We might actually see this title released this year! Oh crap, I just jinxed it, didn't I?
  4. FYI: Unless your using the asterisks to indicate something else, you incorrectly marked Public Service this title as being the source of the picture in addition to Aokana Extra 2. For the benefit of everyone else: Aokana Extra 2 is the actual source of the picture.
  5. There is a pseudo secret ending in Sylvia's route. Personally, I want to smack the developers around some for this. I'm fine with the idea of adding extra content at the end of a game for a "perfect play through" as a reward, but there was absolutely no indication that the content had been added. Nobody would have had any reason to deliberately go back and look for that content. I only discovered it's existence by chance when I read somebody's comment while I was looking for technical help with a question on the fandisc. The unlock conditions are to have seen ALL five routes, inclu
  6. I have played all routes in Kinkoi Golden Time ( https://vndb.org/v24717, https://erogegames.com/downloads/eroge/kinkoi-golden-time-r2096/) and have filled in all CGs and H-Scenes in the Gallery, I have even unlocked the sprite viewer. However, the "movie" section of the gallery is still empty. Does anybody know what I am missing? Also, what ARE the "movies" (in a general sense please, avoid spoilers)?
  7. Outpost Omega J

    Kinkoi: Golden Time

    I found one of the "System Time Events". If you boot up the game today (November 23rd), the character Chieka pops up before you get to the title screen and makes a comment about today being "Great Big Brother Day", which I believe originates from a Japanese pun on how you can read today's date.
  8. To those who live in an area that celebrates the holiday, I would like to remind everybody that the holiday Thanks giving is coming up. Many people might not have heard of this holiday. That is entirely understandable. Santa Claus continues to unfairly encroach a little further on the rightful domain of the Thanks Giving Turkey every year. Some might wonder what the big deal is. I would point out that while Santa Claus gets his day every year, I have never met a Thanks Giving Turkey that has made two consecutive annual appearances and only has a single chance to shine in the spot l
  9. Outpost Omega J

    Kinkoi: Golden Time

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! --------------------------------------- For the convenience of others, here is a link to the original VN that this title is the Fan Disc of:
  10. @Flame_Urie So I tried looking at the ryuugames.com website but I can't download anything from there. Everytime I try a download link, I just get a three second countdown and something about changing ouo.io to ouo.press which means absolutely nothing to me.
  11. Outpost Omega J

    Hot And Lovely 5

    Sorry for the late reply. I only just noticed your post. Yes it does work, but it is is ten "stages" of "memory" to unlock ten very simple animations. Steam charges $1.99 for this if you actually were to buy it rather than download it here and my opinion is they are over charging for it, badly. Each "stage" is twenty face down cards, two sets numbered 1 to 10 randomly placed. There is absolutely no variety between one stage and the others. There is no turn limit or any other sort of limit. You can keep flipping cards until you get it right (at least I never ran out of turns or got
  12. Since Ivan has gone on apparent hiatus (hopefully nothing has actually happened to him) does anybody have a decent*, non-torrent, source for these two VN's? Making * Lovers Fandisc Kin'iro Loveriche Fandisc *Definition of decent in this context: Website has been around long enough to have gained a reputation for delivering what they say they are and just coming within 50 miles of it doesn't give my anti-virus software conniption fits.
  13. Dude, you asked and I answered that question 2 almost 3 months ago. You're only NOW* checking back to see if anyone answered? *If you were in an accident or some other such scenario where you COULDN'T check back until now, I withdraw the complaint.
  14. FYI: Note the "*" around the title "Ren'ai x Royale" in the above list. That's how you can tell what title the picture comes from.
  15. I sincerely hope not, but that project has been VERY slow to advance in general. I'd be surprised if we see it completed before 2024.
  16. Requesting the Fan Disc of the VN "Making * Lovers".
  17. As the tag prefix I attached to the thread title indicates, I'm about to drop a major spoiler for the game "Scarlet Nexus". If you read on, do not say I didn't warn you. In the back story of the game Scarlet Nexus, not learned until you're several chapters in, it says that the earth's climate changed and became uninhabitable for human life, so humanity evacuated to the moon. This seems to be a rather weak excuse for why humans were living on the moon in the first place. If humanity could build livable environments on the moon, couldn't the same technology be used to build enclosed,
  18. Outpost Omega J

    Hot And Lovely 5

    Quoted from the game description above: Either a case of blatant false advertising, or the author of that description has lived the world's most boring life.
  19. That's the biggest increase I've seen in some time.
  20. I'm curious what people think of the "floating" text box style used in the VN "Amatsutsumi" (the vndb.org screenshot samples show what I'm talking about). Personally, I found it annoying and was glad to find an option that allowed me to return it to the more traditional single textbox style at the bottom of the screen, but then again, I've always been adverse to change (If it's not broken, don't fix it!).
  21. Requesting the VN Fan Disc "Kinkoi: Golden Time", please. vndb.org link: https://vndb.org/v24717
  22. I'm pissed off enough about this I've got to complain somewhere! The game Scarlet Nexus just went on sale on Steam for 70% off and I decided to buy it after playing the demo. The demo is basically the first two chapters of the game and you can import your save from the demo to the full version to continue where you left off. I hadn't quite finished the demo, so I figured I'd do that while the full version downloads. As soon as I hit install on the full version, the demo automatically uninstalled with out warning, leaving me to wait through an 18 gigabyte 40 minute download!
  23. As vndb.org does not list an English version of that title, it is highly unlikely, though not impossible, that Ivan will upload it. Sorry.
  24. Caught this in Nekonyan's Twitter feed, posted a day after littleshogun made this thread, the fan disc for the VN "Making * Lovers" is set to release August 26th.
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