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Outpost Omega J

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Everything posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. Ugh, one more for the never should have been written pile. Widows, the divorced, never been married, all those are fair candidates for story writing, but once you're married, YOU ARE DONE. If it isn't with your spouse, keep your dam pants on.
  2. I quote this from the nekonyansoft.com twitter feed reported as "5 hours ago" from when I'm writing this: The Steam Store page https://store.steampowered.com/app/1985260/Kinkoi_Golden_Time/ reports:
  3. On the part of the forum where you can select a reaction such as "Thanks", "Like", "Confused" or "Haha", can you add one more option? We really need a "WTF!?" option. The icon itself could be a "!?". For some of the titles you've uploaded, there really is no other appropriate response.
  4. Requesting Icha x2 Study Okay, yeah, I admit I'm being impatient with this one since it doesn't actually release until June 17th according to vndb.org.
  5. The version of "Akatsuki no Goei" (vndb) found on this site appears to contain all three chapters of the series (or two chapters and a fan disc, I'm not sure the technical break down of it) but only the first chapter appears to be fully translated. The "clear list" indicates the existence of 27 total endings, but it seems resonable to conclude that that only some of them are for the first chapter and the rest are split between the second and third chapters. Does anybody know how many of the ending are specifically for the first chapter so I can know when I've read the "entirety" of
  6. In the VN "Akatsuki no Goei", there are several references to the a "CV". I get from the context what it is in a general sense, some sort of personal historical record that probably contains the the type of information a background check would turn up, but what does the acronym actually stand for? Also adding another point of confusion, the VN has a tendency to break the fourth wall from time to time, so for all I know, it could actually be a reference to something from the VN development process, some sort of high concept character overview from when the VN was in the original pla
  7. Outpost Omega J

    Akatsuki no Goei

    Somebody who has read further into this VN then me, please tell me that Kanzaki Dengorou gets thorough karmic retribution that results in at least a three month stay in nearest hospital's ICU. The guy is a complete asshole.
  8. I'm slightly confused. I get that there are two versions of this title, each with a different protaganist, but does the protagonist from version "a" exist as a side character in version "b", or does the alternate protagonist not exist. If he does exist, how can you have a "pure love route" when the married heroine is sleeping with a man who isn't her husband?
  9. First, welcome to the site. I THINK this is the title you are inquiring about: Visual Novel Database Link: https://vndb.org/v473 vndb.org does not indicate the existence of an English version of this title. Ivan, the sites administrator, seldom uploads non-translated titles. The few Japanese titles he did upload can be found at https://erogedownload.com/, a sister site to this one also maintained by Ivan.
  10. Does this mean nobody knows the answer to my question?
  11. Does this mean it's ready for release and we will see it in the near future, or is there still more work to be done?
  12. And one more VN for the "Never should have been written" pile.
  13. A wild Togakushi Touko spotted wandering into Senren * Banka from Sabbat of the Witch! In the front, second character from the right. A reference picture for comparison found via a google search:
  14. In VN Senren * Banka, we have a possible sighting of the minor side character Kariya Wakana from Sabbat of the Witch, however, if it is her, her hair bob is on the wrong side of her head. Right most character on the screen, but near the center. One of the earliest posts in this thread near the top has a good picture of her for comparison purposes.
  15. Ivan, the sites administrator, does not normally upload non-translated VNs, and vndb.org does not indicate the existence of a translated version of Ane Yome Quartet. I wouldn't hold out hope to see this title here.
  16. Matched against your vndb.org link:
  17. I hereby announce the first announcement to be made in 8 years in the "Announcements and News" portion of the forum! Eight years ago today, the last activity in this section of the forum was made by forum member Noemi on May 5th, 2014, 6:10 AM EST:
  18. With respect to Oku-sama no Kaifukujutsu, maybe I'm missing a point here, but how can you have a "pure love route" with a married heroine when you aren't the husband?
  19. You do realize this topic is over a year old right? Also, not an android game.
  20. @littleshogun Um, for the title Gin'iro Haruka, did you mean to post "Mizuha's route 68/139 script files translated"? Last week, you posted "Mizuha's route 48/141 script files translated".
  21. Requesting "Doukyuusei Remake": https://vndb.org/v34136
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