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Outpost Omega J

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Everything posted by Outpost Omega J

  1. From the vndb.org description for Kamiyaba: That line doesn't give me much hope for the quality of character of the protagonist. Not being raised Japanese I can't say if this is a normal way of thinking or not in Japan, but I was raised on the precept of "God helps those who help themselves". Given all the charms he bought combined with a lack of effort, I say being doomed to be single for life is fair fate.
  2. Ivan, I've noticed the bots seem to target the really old threads for some reason. Obviously you their are WAY TOO MANY threads to manually lock one at time, but maybe there is some sort of admin command you could use to lock all threads that have been inactive for, say, two months in a single batch action? It might slow down the bots until their creators can reprogram them to target newer threads.
  3. @littleshogun Another victim for my poll! Go cast your vote!
  4. The system settings (i.e, full screen/windowed mode, whether to continue auto-play mode after a choice) for the VN Marshmallow All the Way Home (VNDB.org) are not saving. Every time I close and reopen the program, I'm back to the default configuration. Does anybody know why this might be?
  5. Edit: January 18th, 2020 7:38 AM EST This title specifically needs English region settings on you PC to work properly. It will still run on Japanese but encounters several non-game-breaking annoyances if you do so. See two posts down for my full explanation of why. ---------------------------- To anyone else reading this, am I right in thinking that reference to phantom thieves stealing hearts during the scene where the protagonist meets the character Jake Honjo is a reference to the game Persona 5? (Side note, I THINK the for mentioned scene is still in the common r
  6. Boredom + Fair Target = Poll The last time Neko Nyan Soft updated their home page was on March 29th, 2021 when they talked about their efforts with the VN's "The Future Radio and the Artificial Pigeons" and "Aoi Tori". In a few more months, they will have gone a whole year without updating their homepage. The question: Will Neko Nyan Soft update their home page before March 29th, 2022? The poll is public, so people will be able to see what you voted for. It is scheduled to end on March 28, 2022 11:59 PM.
  7. It is highly unlikely that the sight's admin, Ivan, will upload that title. This is site is dedicated to English translated titles. While there are a few titles with incomplete partial fan translation patches, off the top of my head, there are no completely untranslated titles uploaded to this site. Sorry.
  8. Ouchi ni Kaeru made ga Mashimaro Desu: https://vndb.org/v20622 I'm probably being WAY to impatient since it just released today. It'll probably be a few more days before you get so you can upload it here, but just on the off chance you were thinking no one was interested and so were not going to take the time to upload it, there is at least one person looking forward to this title.
  9. Actually it does provide the English title. In the release section, just below all the tags, it you have line entries in the format of: Release date - Age rating - Platform (Windows/mac/etc.) - Completion status (the square icon with four squares in it, hover you mouse over it for a tool tip) - VN title - <Several more icons you can hover your mouse over to get the definition>
  10. Here's one of them. It's already on the site. As for the other title, if it's on this website already, I'm not finding it, but vndb.org says the patch is only a partial translation. IIRC, Ivan doesn't regularly upload partial translations, only full translations.
  11. Outpost Omega J

    White Album 2

    (I meant to quote you with the above post so you got the notification telling you there was a reply. I forgot, sorry.)
  12. Outpost Omega J

    White Album 2

    It's hidden behind the spoiler settings, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but I don't think the "infidelity" tag should be considered a spoiler, except in the sense it spoils a perfectly good VN into something not worth playing.
  13. Outpost Omega J

    White Album 2

    Think I'll skip this one. The infidelity tag on VNDB.org is a no-systems-go for me.
  14. This may be a dumb question to most, but I don't participate in social media. I'm a proud founding member of the "Doesn't Have a FaceBook Account" society. However I do check the built in twitter feed on https://hello.nekonyansoft.com/ as it seems to be the most reliable way to get status updates to their project progress. (Has anyone else noticed that their homepage, https://nekonyansoft.com/, has not seen an update since March 29th, 2021? And yes, I know, I just jinxed it. I'm sure an update with a new post was made as I'm typing this.) Some of the "tweets", I think they are call
  15. A little more information might be helpful. What VN are you trying to play. Which selection screen? Is it something in game, or are you talking about what ever archive extractor you are using to to extract the .rar files?
  16. @Jupiter 3 The picture comes from the VN Hakuchuumu no Aojashin. For future reference, notice the "*" around the title in the list. Littleshogun uses those asterisks to mark which VN the picture comes from. I don't know the answer to your question about Walkure Romanze.
  17. ACK! NO! NO! NO! You jinxed it! When it doesn't release now until 2023, it your fault!
  18. @littleshogun Just a general FYI. Whenever I go to vndb.org, I tend to check out what ever four VN show up as thumbnails on their homepage just of curiosity to see what they are. https://vndb.org/v14926 showed up as one of the four random thumbnails and has a TBD for an English release date, which to my inexperienced eye suggests there is a translation effort in the works, but I don't see it on your list. I thought you might not be aware of it.
  19. I could probably dig up several more titles, but by the end, I would be recommending half of the entire website.
  20. I enjoyed this title. It has the "Long Sexual Scenes" tag, but IIRC, it didn't have an overabundance of them. I skipped the incest route so I can't comment on that one. Here's another title that I enjoyed. Here's a couple with more of an action bent. FYI: The sister character in Riddle Joker is not blood related. Both "Siblings" are adopted. These two are more focused on the pure romance side, so it may have a heavier focus on the sexual content than what you are looking for, but I still enjoyed them. Another
  21. Outpost Omega J

    Claire's Quest

    Okay, I'm confused (not a new state of being). The title screen of the game says "Complete Edition" but I see evidence in game that this is still a work in progress. In my experience, a game usually doesn't get a subtitle like "complete edition" if it's still in the developmental stages. Such titles are reserved for re-releases that have all additional DLC per-installed. Am I just missing a point here?
  22. Outpost Omega J

    Claire's Quest

    General FYI for anybody who cares: I only just started playing this, but unlike most HRPG's, this title appears to have a quality translation, or perhaps it was just in English from the get go. Useful tidbit: "F4" is the full screen command.
  23. Ivan, if you could keep tabs on this title for when it reaches completion, I would appreciate it. The version you uploaded is a still in development version with many missing features. I doubt this title is going to be finished anytime soon, but if you keep some sort of list of titles to keep track of, I would appreciate it if you add this one to it.
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