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About Otamegane

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  1. RISE FROM THE ASHES OLD POST.... Ahem... well Amazon gave me away a FFXIV code for spending whatever in games. Since I dont play it, I might as well post it here to whoever wants it Redeem here: https://www.ffxivredeem.com/amazon Code: 2D4P-4ZQR-JHLL-CUX3 Be well, people!
  2. Who plays Key for the H? Aren't those really terrible? Like the F/SN ones
  3. Way to go for Muv Luv! Good thing I didn't finish playing it, so I can buy the LE without remorse I seriously want my Lacrosse.
  4. Updated. Now I have a copy of Roommate (yeah, I know), available
  5. So, I bought the bundle basically for 2 games and "HOLY COW ALL THOSE GAMES FOR 12$".... But in all honesty, I, prolly, only will install the 2 games, so why keep the others? So I decided to give the others away It's first come first serve. Pick one and I'll give it to you. One per person Games: Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™-> Claimed Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™: Jedi Academy™ -> Unsure, ask me for the game and I'll see what I can do Star Wars™: Dark Forces Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II -> Claimed Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™ -> Unsure, ask
  6. Is it me or there are less names on that list?
  7. 1. UBW 2. Zankyou no Terror 3. Aldnoah/Zero 4. Yuuki Yuuna (because who doesn't love Tougou?) 5. Parasyte 6. Chaika 7. SHIROBAKO 8. Barakamon 9. D-frag But these not surpass my hype for Love Live S2 so screw everything Love Live is love Love Live is life
  8. Happyyy birthday!

  9. Kudos to Wolf-san for providing this link. I skipped some serious shit. With gamergate still going on, I can only think of it as a trap, tho it might be me overthinking it
  10. FUCK Akame ga kill anime That is all.
  11. Hmm.. if that's the case, any save as long 1 ending is complete is fine, since I think there's no gallery on this game anyway
  12. Not sure if here's the correct place to ask but. I played 999 a while back, and just when I wanted to go back to play it, it just so happened that they stole my phone with the save file. Last thing I did was get "normal ending", so, does anyone have that kind of "save"?
  13. Well that wasn't the only thing that was "started". It feels to me that they will go the Amagami way to do the routes separately, 2-3 eps each girl. And you saw her doing that because it was probably just a "sneak peek" to what will happen.
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