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Everything posted by rahrah

  1. [video=youtube;8_DrIm-fso4] you better check my french
  2. Love that song BY YOUR HAND. My Year in List is a real good one too. Most of their albums end up being too hit or miss though If you want more UK music like that I recommend Johnny Foreigner, Semifinalists, Dartz!, and Standard Fare.
  3. Never been a better message than what this song says.
  4. Finished up Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari and Deep Love - Reina no Unmei. Very depressing stuff, overly tragic. Going to try to read the other two in the series soon.
  5. This was on another forum but (somewhat) funny nonetheless http://global3.memecdn.com/inferno-cop_o_1051242.jpg
  6. I haven't played the VN but I hear it was adapted quite well. So I assume it was a source material issue. But I also hear it only covered the first part of the VN and not the whole thing and apparently it gets significantly better from there. The whole anime was shit besides the ending & piano girl's story (Setsuna and male MC were some of the worst characters I've had to endure). But like I said, the ending was actually really great so I feel like it ended appropriately despite not being fully adapted.
  7. White Album 2 is probably the worst full-length anime I've seen. I don't really regret it though. It pissed me off a lot but the ending was great at least.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB6_O9Yl708 So fucking black
  9. Its just good music Saru. Related note: Listening to the new La Dispute album "The Rooms of the House".
  10. Nero's Day at Disneyland and The Books on the same page, I'm so proud of you guys
  11. Did you give up on watching anime, Saru? You haven't added anything since 2011
  12. That's pretty damn kawaii chex.
  13. I'm going to bump this, okay
  14. meow meow meow

  15. Do I need to watch the other two movies from that to make sense or can I just watch it since I've already seen the series?
  16. We share like no anime together. Half the stuff that is shown in the shared, I haven't even started watching. Our tastes are too different.
  17. Nah, it only shows unknown cause that loser doesn't rate his anime.
  18. Baccano was super boring as well. I think I have tried on three different occasions to watch it and it was doing nothing for me. PaniPoni wasn't funny for me. I only ever gave it a try cause of when Lucky Star made fun of it. But yeah, just not that funny.
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