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Everything posted by hyromaru

  1. We've got a lot more users now! We also have a bot now which can assign you a role/color. The commands are: .lsar - For a list of self assignable roles .iam rolename - Assign yourself this role .iamnot rolename - unassigned for this role We are adding more roles, But for now you can atleast be an Onii-chan!
  2. hey all! You might remember me! We've created a discord server for erogegames so we can hang out with eachother! If you've been sleeping under a rock for the past few months and have no idea what Discord is, don't worry! Discord is comparable to teamspeak, It has it's voice channels and text channels. But it's incredible lightweight(it can even be used from the browser with no sign up) with great sound quality. It focuses more on the social aspect, Like adding friends, and using group calls. It's being updated quite regularly and has been my standard voip solution for a few months
  3. http://i.imgur.com/zc5kMwJ.jpg
  4. Bunny black 3 is not translated though.
  5. [Japanese] [130621] [softhouseChara] Bunny Black 3
  6. The drama in her and Sena's route feel really forced and silly. Like there had to be drama for the sake of it but they could't find something good.
  7. [spoiler=Noble works Maya route] Her family is Yakuza
  8. rocking that poppy http://i.imgur.com/fWch8pZ.jpg
  9. We're back baby! http://i.imgur.com/VhJxYb8.jpg
  10. it's not that "detailed" http://puu.sh/mlwXk/4d1c3697ee.jpg
  11. He does look like the kind of guy that would rape all the girls.
  12. Great to see more progress! Always rooting for you chocokami and helv
  13. Seems like a registry error. Do you have your pc set to the Japanese locale? The install can't write Japanese registry key's when you haven't set your locale.
  14. Oh crap, i forgot to edit that Well, Enjoy the past^^
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