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Posts posted by DragonBall89

  1. It took them like 5 years to complete the translation of this. Let them have a couple more months until questions start popping up whether they will actually finish it.


    Well, i don't really care when will be finished, next year or whenever but "whether they will actually finish it" bothers me. Don't want to see another Dracu-riot! -> Fortune Arterial -> Aiyoku no Eustia and so on, well in the end we can't really do anything except wait and being thankful for those who translate the games.

  2. Path out of darkess? Riiiight :p


    - Ixrec will probably drop the translation scene after Comyu, and no, this is not an statement from him or anything, just speculation on my part because of how much his speed dropped and how busy he is with his new job and and real-life stuff.

    - Who knows what koestl will do after he finish the Grisaia trilogy, he might quit after finishing translating the third game.

    - Aroduc already said he's retiring, he probably just took the job on Seinarukana because Peter Payne (JAST owner) is paying him.

    - TakaJun (Aiyoku no Eustia and Majikoi) = dead. (Real life responsibilities).

    - Wairu translations (Last update was December 03 - 2013) so you can consider them dead for the time being.


    And the rest are slow as fuck and show like 1-5% progress every few months.



    So no, the dark age is nowhere near finishing yet, in fact, is just beggining :)


    (Aiyoku no Eustia and Majikoi) = dead ; well this is ................................ looks like i need to learn some japanese.

  3. Where?


    You meant the dark age, obviously.


    nah, he meant that he's a prophet named "Whitetragedy" ahem, although i'm infinitely skeptic, if it's a prophecy we might as well make a time machine and jump ahead a few hundred years at least or thousand, who knows, maybe the prophet. Skipping all the bu**shit, so far this is a pretty dry season.

  4. I still can't believe how they kinda trolled us. Each fucking time I was looking at this thread and there was no progress at all, then someday : "Oh btw, we already translated the entire game, we're just too lazy to give you an update."


    still better this way than the other way around, promising this and that and then just nothing.

  5. now then, after MGQ 3 I think I take a some time off and wait patiently for Fate Hollow Ataraxia or Aiyoku no Eustia, although there is a change that the world will meet it's end before the translation is finished to either of them. note: Monster Girl Quest 1-3 really was a very good game, never really though that i will wait so eagerly for the third one when a started to play the first one.

  6. EDIT.

    Almost forgot... about Dracu-Riot


    Now that JLPT is over, I can focus on playing Tera. (And maybe get Dracu Riot sorted out). Insem (@StaircaseSubs)


    some mmorpg are highly addictive, i played tera, and lets say if you actually like the game than you can get lost in that virtual shithole for a very long time, i played it 2 days in a row almost without stopping, after that i just deleted the game, so i won't meet the same fate as some fellow gamers.

  7. It's not like Kara no Shoujo is the only non-nukige game they licensed, think about Higurashi, all the Overdrive titles (and Boku ga Tenshi ni Natta Wake is Overdrive) and so on.



    Also, while I don't care about nukige, stuff such as Eroge and Imouto Paradise doesen't sound half bad XD



    edit: please MG, bring us Tenka Gomen and Shin Koihime!



    what you say is true, but if i would ask this; does mangagamer plans to translate Aiyoku no Eustia ?

    Could you say yes ? So it was with Bananoman's question. He can't really hope that out of thousands upon thousands of VN that one to be translated

    except if he has some information we don't have.

  8. Never played kara no shoujo huh?


    i might be delirious but did i said that there is no chance in hell that it will be translated by them. Although i wouldn't get my hopes up, and beside kara no shoujo it is a story based VN but it is also a kind of short one. When you see MangaGamer translated something like Muv-Luv Alternative than announce me. We all know that MangaGamer is a nukige translator factory, there are a few exception but not much.

  9. I think you missed the news about Eustia. I'm terribly sorry to inform you, but Eustia is, well, it's dead.



    The next time when it will show progress again is when Ixrec picks it up, but that's not going to happen anytime soon™, sadly. :"(



    yeah, well eustia is like we all know that is dead but we still hear rumors here and there, but actualy nobody really knows anything or if they do the majority don't believe it, the thing is that i played the game about 1.5 - 2 years ago and it's still not even close to be translated, we may argue whether it's a dead one or a zombie, but i think, for know, it's dead for good, probably the reason why i want to play the game it's because it was my first VN downloaded from heck knows where and there was not specified that it's just partially translated or maybe i just mist this very important information.

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