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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. Comyu update: Finished Mayuki's route. Will take a few days off now. - Ixrec
  2. A pity that Chris and Momoyo didn't get good characters development. Also, the first Majikoi only have 5 main heroines and Koihime 3, that isn't a large quantity. The side heroines are mostly just filler for short H-scenes, with next to no character's depth and roles that doesn't expand beyond the basic requirements.
  3. That's exactly what happens to me with Koiken Otome. O:
  4. Disliking Clannad because of cute animation style. Also, Majikoi is overrated. It's a good comedy VN, making you laugh and everything, but certainly far from being a masterpiece. Hahaha.
  5. Bad H-scenes. Eww. I heard the upcoming Vita version of Ataraxia will have full voice acting. Perhaps someone will make a voice patch in the future.
  6. Certainly not the only one because Type-Moon exist.
  7. Happy Birthday, old man.

  8. I guess I can safely tell Koestl to drop Meikyuu.
  9. How did you know it is better than others when you can't use it?
  10. Rewrite. (subjective) Key. Maeda Jun. If you were expecting a serious solid answer, go ask people who have read the VN.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCyZgoM9oJE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD1I3T8KbU8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGhAP2tPBz0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao7X7qoRCkU
  12. Make it your sig. Problem solved. Also, Air update: https://twitter.com/Sheeta_Su/status/426043079423180801
  13. You don't have to be able to do something in order to complaint just like I don't have to be a game developer to criticizes the entirety of Dragon Age 2. Remember that, Hunter. Problem? There is no problem with that. You are the one who think it's a problem when in actuality you are being the primary problem here, loppy. I'll tell you this, you silly grumpy monster with skewed interpretation of adult and maturity. Life has many different facets; doing something with calculation of gains, profits, long-term efforts, worthwhile and whatnot, and doing something out of passion or whatever
  14. Makoto the translator. He writes Japanese VN into English.
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