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Gerard the Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Gerard the Lone Wolf

  1. Happy birthday, Hunt. <3 May Suzumiya Haruhi watch over you.

  2. Approximately 5 hours ago... http://puu.sh/5DCa8.png
  3. Rejoice, men. But I feel a bit sad seeing him leaving the scene. He's one of the good VN translators after all.
  4. Enjoy the retardness. Oda Nobunaga and #Fuwanovel: A Play | Oppai is Justice
  5. You are being way too dramatic. If you are talking about me, I just don't like any of Pulltop titles except one and I'm quite happy if it's not translated or to see the project failed. Whether anyone else actually looking forward to it or not is none of my business and I don't really cares about your feelings to be honest. Jumping to conclusion much? I'm not sure how anyone could relate that as purely a hatred for anything related to fuwa; it is too far-fetched. I meant I was the one who linked Majikoi's tl project here after all. As for "I should stay neutral", well, I don't give a sh
  6. Too bad they don't actually plan to bring Narcissu 3rd later. :/ Thanks for doing this, whoever you are. You are my hero!! \o/ Fuck off Cocoro@Function!.
  7. Honoka route is plain shitty but Shizuku is the best "imouto" route I've ever read so far. nuff said
  8. The other two routes end in a more happier tones though.
  9. From what I've read so far, it's a little bit of both, I guess. Common route is quite hilarious and Tsumugu's is the best route so just read her if anyone can't stand the rest of the game.
  10. Nope, nobody cares. ...hahahahaha, this is fucking funny.
  11. No, you are wrong. LotGH is similar to K-on!, even MAL recommendation said so.
  12. Yes, stay the fuck away from Battlermesh.
  13. Will he be like Illya when he knows it? Please butler, I don't want him to be heartbroken. 3 :*(
  14. We will have more translators retiring? Not in a million years. The "translator" could scarcely read Jap anyway and he's too busy with his RL shit so the project is dead, and I don't believe anyone is going to trouble themselves reviving it. No one knows. That may be true, but like Daev said, which December?
  15. ... We do not call the insertion of English translation/patch into a Jap PSP VNs as "ported", just so you know.
  16. The remake has twice the size of the original scripts IIRC, so I hope someone will translate them. lol
  17. Why did you remove Butler's spoiler tag? Anyway, we are not discussing censorship, regrettably. This old topic at hands is about -plot relevant H-scenes- in VNs. Furthermore, Ever17, Never7, and the rest of the infinity series are originally 15+ to begin with, and is a good example for non-hscene VN. Though I personally don't believe it added much, anyway. It would have been more contributory to discussion if someone were to give an example of -how- to made plot relevant h-scenes instead of turning this thread into h-scenes bashing ground.
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