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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. Because I do what I please

  2. Your perspective is insignificative

  3. You can't turn me into anything. Bro.

  4. Their cuteness is outrageous

  5. Stàr

    The ones between you and Battler

  6. Stàr

    Those gif's <.<

  7. Those gif's between you and Desi <.<

  8. Insert very friendly comment that I'm too tired to write right now here.

  9. Well to read your name I cut it into two Calis-Tilaigh and then I chose the one I felt more like choosing. Was not happy on how what I typed came out so I removed it now

  10. Changed it before I could rate it :9. 7.01/10
  11. ^ Glad you enjoy this half as much as I do
  12. Giving out so fast;/ but I'm done with this as well
  13. I agree with you,sad really. 8.6/10
  14. I simply allow it because you are in deep denial my Wolfy
  15. I have seen everything that I want to see and need to see
  16. Always so Tsun towards me, brings me a smile everytime. It didn't used to have that before and I can't bother looking at the sigs everytime not even Pramit's
  17. Most definitely a guy.

  18. Die in a hole

  19. Cru3l took away from me the pleasure of being able to conquer virginity of your visitor messages but hello Tilaigh, pleasure to have you join us

  20. ^ Seems to have forgotten of the one who is truly fastest And how does this thread move 4 pages in 12-14hours
  21. It seems I'm seeing you a lot. 8.5/10. I like your sig better than the avatar one day you'll get to get rated on it by me
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