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Everything posted by Stàr

  1. Stàr


    I wanted to play with you Battler, I told you to join me when Soren invited but you ignored me!
  2. Hhmm I think as a reply the gif was rather lame, not quite what I wanted *talking about my own*

  3. Happy Birthday Wanko! err I mean Omaru!

  4. A bit too small 7/10 and @Harle where is your new avatar from?
  5. I downloaded 11/33 parts few months ago if I finish the 22 parts that are left would there be a reason for me to run into any problems?
  6. Likes porn? And it's more like I really like that peculiar song, but I do like green day.
  7. Nothing to do with this thread but Harley that is a Kotomine quote right?
  8. Not gonna bother with some of the longer ones that I could post so just gonna do two short ones from Sharin
  9. I get good laughs from doing so, as you noticed . ^Also likes to KS a lot.
  10. There can never be no wrong moves from me, just moves that I could have chosen to play differently yet didn't
  11. Party pooper, you are suppose to blow the flames of happiness and fun once they are started
  12. A wonderful, amazing, and beautiful Cow Wolf who has given me many laughs Fun to play with!
  13. not sure if I could rate higher than last time, the other one was fitting for Saber but this is more beautiful, not sure what to rate ]10[/10
  14. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnxoyhRLey1qk45kz.gif
  15. Glad to please the masses. 9.4/10
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