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pramit last won the day on April 1 2023

pramit had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

22 Excellent


About pramit

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  1. I'm doing fine, in my job searching phase. how are you? haven't seen you in a good while yeah 

    I have some other projects planned for the forum as well, perhaps related to my last one : P 
    Do you have discord? if you wanna join us ill send a link : D 

    1. pramit


      I do have discord, although I don't use it all that much except for talking to some old pals. Sure, send me a link, I wouldn't mind joining

      What kind of job are you looking for? 


      I am doing a PhD, in my third year now. I am doing okay, but things get really stressful once in a while 

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