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Everything posted by wiitoy200

  1. LoL, sorry, I just though someone here could had helped me. Should I delete the post?
  2. Sorry, my main monitor is 1080p and everything looks super small, does it look ok now?
  3. I got a Laptop and a 22" 1080p TV and I'm having a couple of problems running them both at the same time. The first problem is that I am running them both on their native resolutions (1080p for the TV and 1366x786 for the built-in laptop monitor) and when i put icons on the laptop screen (my main screen is the TV) ever icon is like off center and the wallpapers get cut off (mind you these wallpapers are 1366x786, OneManArmys wallpapers to be exact *shout out because they are awesome even on 1080p monitors*)! What can I do, to have my 1080p tv as my main monitor but have my 1366x786 working and
  4. The thing is I'm an OCDfag, and I need to watch everything in order, I can't bring myself to do something like this.
  5. LoL, don't know the characters, haven't seen the first episode of the anime (the frist 12 were the ones whos decided to sh*t themselves and I really don't want to start on episode 13.) I couldn't say it was a first shock because i just go which what most people recommend me so I barely know what a VN (or anime) is about before I watch it. It's a lot more interesting to me and helps me feel like if every plot twist (even the ones in the very first episode, if any) are a complete shock. The only thing i like to know is the genre it is, is it comedy, drama, action, all that. other then that, I
  6. Right, my bad. I thought you were telling me she was a guy because I guess i read it in rage mode (not that i got mad, i was just think, why you be correcting what is already right) because i have a couple (by a couple i mean 12 -____________________________-) of downloads that decided to sh*t themselves and stop half way through so sorry for my stupidity. *sigh* Toradora better be the good or else i'm gonna be pissed.
  7. LOL thats a guy? he's getting hit on by a guy, and he has a pretty feminim voice. I only played like the forst 5 minutes, all i know i is that this chick is a magu or magi or something, she went to school super early, took a pendent with magical powers, drank tea with some girl thats her friend (apparently a "Friend or foe" relationship), got hit on by the vice captain of the archery club, then went to school, talked to some sensai that was super nice but she was happy she wasn't her homeroom teacher?, also ran into the student console president (or something) and he asked her if she's been st
  8. I just started playing F/SN, I was surprised as hell, so far it looks like it's gonna be a VNs with a female protagonist I'm also playing MilkPot, this one has a hermaphrodite protagonist LOL.
  9. If you like Loli Guys then that means your a Shotacon. (Shota Guys)
  10. ^mmmh 8/10 LOL no rating on the sig
  11. ^ lol new gif. way too cute man 8/10
  12. You wouldn't had laughted if you seen the anime. I wanted to find it but only saw like 2 minutes, wussed out.. all i remember was this adulting have sex with a kid (both guys) and he was sticking a ice cube up his butt while they f*cked and the thing melted when the adult got to climax (orgam, cummed, whatever you want to call it). THANK GOD I SAW A CENSORED VERSION, even the opening was f*cken weird. F*CKEN WEIRD, SH*T.
  13. Hmm, not to shabby my friend. I like blonde and short girls though, as you can see rin, has both. only thing she's missing is glasses i have a glasses fetish, i know, it's weird. Wait.. what's this? http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=23390940 http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4u8n0bRHn1rxorn9o1_500.jpg http://static.zerochan.net/Online.Game.Addicts.Sprechchor.full.1088447.jpg ^this photo was, meh^ http://static.zerochan.net/Kagamine.Rin.full.1109711.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/053/d/3/kagamine_rin_with_glasses_by_suiri_shi-d4qn59v.png
  14. jaja , don't worry, no hard feelings. one thing you should know about Venezuelans is that we love screwing with each other. I know it looks like i snapped on you but trust me, it'll take me A LOT OF CRAP to get mad for real. :D

  15. In real life i'm probably 3 times more retarded then what i am here. before i post i have some time to think over what i'm about to put out there, so i don't sound like a complete retard. I love getting off topic because i always get sidetracked, and i feel this is how real life conversations are. Think about it, in the begining of the day you talk about how you woke up late and rushed to school so your hungry as h*ll cause you didn't eat, but your not gonna talk about that all day, no, 2 hours later you'll be talking about how the math teacher is a b*tch. I get commonly side tracked and
  16. I beg to differ, Rin is the best girl. she's cute, loli, and can be sexy too: http://i762.photobucket.com/albums/xx261/HollowIchigo87/Vocaloid/572645.jpg http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss200/Bardiche_Assault/Vocaloid/KagamineRin41.jpg http://konachan.com/image/71bad210c35523f25fc20428202c6bc0/Konachan.com%20-%2058572%20chan%C3%97co%20gray%20kagamine_rin%20vocaloid.jpg http://konachan.com/image/ef40911904ef185971d288b0e860d9da/Konachan.com%20-%2089941%20kagamine_len%20kagamine_rin%20len_append%20rin_append%20tama_%28songe%29%20vocaloid.jpg http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18000
  17. LUCKY OMFG ALKSKDJ OMGWTFBBQ!?!? god i want one of those, i have an xperia play and when i put the wall papers they look all sh*tty and pixalated. -__-
  18. ^already rated this sig like 2 times. 7/10 Yes I know but he repied with luka pics and i couldn't let him get away with that. Edit: new sig.. i think this one is gonna be it for good, I really like it.
  19. Boku no pico.. 'nuff said. EDit: so you can understand the horridness that lies behind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSiLknowi0I&feature=player_embedded&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FDSiLkn owi0I&has_verified=1
  20. Not that i'm a loli fan or anything but: http://vocalife.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/vocaloid-817-prev.jpg http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24500000/vocaloid-vocaloids-24585659-800-600.png http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cjMPXwDu_to/TZm10--etCI/AAAAAAAAAH0/GZWLxrAj1xk/s1600/Konachan.com+-+61649+kagamine_len+kagamine_rin+vocaloid+white.jpg HHNNNGGGHHHH!
  21. Your phone? your phone has some crazy ass resolution, what the hell are you running?
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