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Everything posted by Haika

  1. Haika

    To avoid cluttering that thread more than we already have, going to move the discussion here. The Tokimi and Kyouko routes are full adult versions from the expansion, and they have H-scenes just like the rest of the game that was dropped because the translators thought it 'didn't add to the story'. Therefore when you play the all ages translated game you are playing a hackjob censorship that only lets you see what others want you to see, not the full content of the game.

  2. Haika

    Dog Days'

    There really is far better Rule 34 for Dog Day's out there than that. XD But yes, I suppose the ecchi is what keeps me watching. It just feels so flat and less fulfilling than other anime I pass on, so I feel like I'm doing something I shouldn't when I watch it. As silly as that may seem. I guess it just doesn't feel as mature as the other anime I watch, ecchi or not.
  3. Sorry but no. I've played the clean version. I could tell each and every time when there should have been a sex scene. And at the time I couldn't figure out why there wasn't one, I played half the game thinking, well maybe I just haven't gotten to the adult parts yet. Then I did some research and found out about things like the evil route and such that were totally dropped for the clean version. The non-h version has LESS than the full game, I don't know where you think it adds extra, but from what I researched that was the opposite. I've seen the adult CG from the h version, but I want to rea
  4. Grr, I still want to play Ar Tonelico badly... As for adult rpgs, Check out Sengoku Rance, Big Bang Age, Brave Soul, maybe even Koihime Musou, though the rpg part there is pretty low. For that matter Rance and BBA are a bit more tactical than rpgish. I will also support Tears to Tiara as a pretty good erotic rpg. Eien no Aselia however needs to go die in a whole, since the translators refuse to translate the sex scenes, making the game blatently boring and tedious. If you are looking for a clean game, I might also suggest Galaxy Angels, the first one at least has a pretty awesome spa
  5. I'll go with Usami this time around. Luka was darn tempting. She's gorgeous, though I still prefer Miku.
  6. Haika

    Dog Days'

    I am slightly ashamed to say that I love this series. As rather weak-plotted and cheery it is. I still wish they would drop the ninja warrior stuff and get a demon army attacking or something.
  7. I see no problem with double posting here if people are slacking, helps remind me to post at least. XD
  8. I agree highly with the opening post here. Especially the part about being inside the main characters head. That's just not something that western art has caught up with just yet.
  9. woops, forgot to keep this going. So here's a couple pictures of backlog!
  10. Independence day for us USA types. Otherwise known as Fireworks and Frankfurters day around here. XD http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5s4wokpwx1r50t7do1_500.gif ^ and any day that gives us images like this, is a good day in my book.
  11. I debated this vote a bit, seeing as how I nominated Orihime, but Ren-chan was my favorite character in Koihime, and I decided I needed to support.
  12. Hmm, are we back to choosing any media here, as long as it isn't loli? If this is true, I'll nominate Orihime Inoue from Bleach.
  13. wow, I totally missed Rin's whole poll... How did that happen. > Then again with the results, I'm about done with this anyway. This is getting silly.
  14. Haika

    Have fun on your trip. I'll try and keep the Ecchi Pic post at least partially updated.

  15. Well, I'm not too torn up if Meiya wins here, though that last matchup... eh. Voted for Rider anyway, for hot librarian in jeans look.
  16. Yum. Also bonus nude apron and popcicle images today.
  17. I don't know about you guys, but when I was in school my teachers never looked like this.
  18. My contribution for the day, and several days before and after. XD
  19. Also just found this. XD Double posting due to 1 video limit.
  20. I'll have to agree with the Hanako storyline, it felt like it was trying to force the idea that she didn't need protecting down your throat. And while that's fine on its own, you have to realize that at least part of Hanako's initial appeal is that white knight syndrome for the shy girl. I love this game to death, and Lilly is still my favorite route. As I've said elsewhere, she has an amazing amount of refinement and elegance that seemed to come through to relax you during the route. I'm not sure if it was the music, or the art, or whatever, but I felt much more relaxed and calm playing he
  21. Meiya for me. Haven't gotten very far into Muv-Luv yet, but from what I have seen I like her.
  22. Obviously voting for Rin here... however the next round will likely be Rider vs Rin. XD now THAT will be a tough choice.
  23. Yeah, I have to vote Rider here. Nothing really against the other, just don't know her specifically. And rider is awesome. And time for another image dump for support! Told myself I was going to stop at 10... but there's too much sexyness around, so here's a couple more. Be thankful for the attach system here. Some are a bit large.
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