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Status Updates posted by desi

  1. Did you ever download the extra BGMs and stuff for your playthrough? Like the Ps2 version and whatnot?

  2. Wasn't sure if I had to include anything else in order for the save to work, but this includes my userdata folder Download UserData.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

  3. Thanks for the invite, who is that in your avatar btw?

  4. yeah, I still have exams going :/ Not too sure about the music thing, I know there was stuff you could download in the wiki. You probably did get it. I'm playing Tsukihime.. still. I kinda had it stalled for 2 or 3 weeks, but i'm starting it back up now and i'm probably a bit more than halfway done with Hisui's route. Just have Kohaku after that.

  5. Hanako <3 Battler <3


    Thanks.. I will cherish this forever <3

  6. No route until the fandisc... they're making you suffer.

  7. yeah, but the VN will probably take another year or two to release. Then another 2 or 3 years for the translation to be done. Might as well play it right now. I can also compare it with the older version since (supposedly) Nasu will tinker around the scripts and might rewrite some stuff, so it might not be a COMPLETE remake.

  8. Wait, it actually worked?!?! Yeah.. that's right. Enjoy :o

  9. is it possible to make that picture any bigger? I don't think I can see it.


    just kidding... <3 it.

  10. Yes and it's a more recent project as well. We know how a lot of TL projects end up, but who knows~

  11. desi

    Not on in nearly a month! Hope all is alright.

  12. desi

    here's the torrent Deardrops Torrent Download Should work.. not sure if you deleted your post?

  13. Sucks about no voices, but oh well. Did you get the game from here or somewhere else?

  14. Thanks man! See you around.

  15. Didn't realize you liked it her that much that she could go on your list of "favorites".

  16. oh, going to do a replay?

  17. He tried to read that VN and said bad things about Mashiro

  18. I was just making sure :p And yes, Yuuko is win. Although i'll probably do my replay once the latter tale from MG comes out.

  19. Welp, looks like i'll read Danganronpa. Liar soft will have to wait a little while longer.

  20. OMA, you turned my joke into a serious response :*(

  21. Yeah, pretty much my feelings on it. The last route you're going to do is probably the worst out of the three. Some people say she looks like Hanako.. I say blasphemy.

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