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Posts posted by desi

  1. It doesn't even matter to me anyway, since I've already played it. But think of all the people like me (there might be a few) who will suffer because of the bad grammar that is still left in the game (okay, maybe nobody's as retarded as I am about grammar, but what if someone is, and that person plays this game?).


    True. And like you said earlier in your edit, it's a v1 patch and I think most people (hopefully) should realize that it isn't a perfect patch.

  2. I am confused. They didn't even finish editing it. You're all going to be playing a worse version of the patch than you could have been playing if they had made all of my suggested changes. But at least it will be 10,000 times better than the version I played.


    After they went through the list of fixes that they still had to do and the translation of extra lines contained in the memorial edition + combined with the backlog I have at the moment, I figured I would probably just wait until they release a final patch. Still, at least they got something out and it's probably still playable in a sense that the current version of Clannad is playable, despite some issues.

  3. Do you have japanese locale enabled? That probably isn't the issue, but you never know. Try completely uninstalling it/deleting it from your system - change locale to japanese - reinstall the game. If the problem still persists, try to run the game in compatibility mode. Right click on the .exe and run in compatibility mode for windows xp.

  4. I finished another route of canvas 2 and it was horrible. I already forgot the name of the heroine but she had blue hair. Anyway, she's something like a famous singer but here comes the problem, her singing voice sucks ass. Seriously, I had to hear the same shitty song again and again. The rest of her route was only decent, reminds me of kotori, I couldn't stand her singing voice either. Oh well, I've enough of canvas 2, nice game but there are huge quality differences between the routes. If you wanna play this game then go for tomoko's and elis' route.


    Haven't played this yet, but I did hear that the blue haired chick and the poetry chick had the worst routes. On the other side, I did hear to save Tomoko for last because her route is awesome.



    My last update's belonging to hoshimemo, I finished there chinami's and yuka's route, both were pretty enjoyable. And Ren is love, nuff said.


    Who is Yuka?

  5. Wow, guess I'm missing out. 0.0 Does the VN contain the Afterstory or is it anime only?


    The VN contains the afterstory as well. It will be unlocked once you finish every route and unlock 13 orbs. There is a good recommended route order if you search for the 300 hour clannad walkthrough... I promise it isn't 300 hours long.

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