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Posts posted by desi

  1. @wiitoy200



    Well, the true ending is when everything is alright.. Nagisa and Ushio are well and alive. That was the point of gathering all those orbs. So yeah, that event where Nagisa and Ushio died really happened.... but with those those orbs, Tomoya was able to go back and it ended up resulting in a healthy Nagisa and Ushio. If you recall in episode 23 or 24? the one where they recalled the entire story of Clannad in a single episode.. Tomoya is talking to Ushio and when Ushio falls asleep, Tomoya recalls the events that happened when Nagis and Ushio died... this is a pretty condensed version but it should give you an idea.


  2. You can use the LB patch with LB EX (it's called the EX patch 6.0 on Tlwiki) but it's the inferior version to the all ages version right now. It translates everything in EX that is in the all ages with a few problems - (some random untranslated lines, no wordwrapping, and some minigames are not completely translated). Using the EX patch will not translate any of the 3 routes.

  3. oh, well, i'll seed anyways. I'll feel like a d*ck if I don't. besides, I was downloading this torrent once (photoshop) 10 KB/s, i said "screw this" and i would hate for that to happen to other people.. unless the anime is bad, in that case i'm doing them a favor.


    The only thing is that there are lots of seeders and very few peers usually when you're downloading from that site. It's probably a bit difficult to maintain a good ratio. Doesn't hurt to try and seed though.

  4. are they supposed to be tracking my download and upload? I've been downloading and they have register nothing, and yes i made an account the second i saw the option (I kinda have an account for almost every website i go to, but only use to the ones i really like)


    Yes, if you register a account they'll track your ratio. You'll have like 25gb or something like that until they'll tell you to get your seeder ratio up.

  5. My thoughts on the week.


    Grisaia no Kajitsu - common route and Amane route fully translated, Sachi route 387/970 (39.9%) kb translated, overall 2731/5895 (46.33%) kb translated


    : D


    Rewrite - 66756/101220 (65.95%) lines translated, common route patch out, Kotori/Chihaya/Lucia routes translated


    : D


    Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ - 30594/54201 (56.4%) lines translated and 30497/54201 (56.3%) lines edited


    : D


    Baldr Sky - Translation of new scripts stalled for a few weeks while existing scripts get revised. Overall progress: 23834/91443 (26.06%) lines


    : (



    Also, nice to see Aiyoku no Eustia chapter 1 coming out soon... even though I'm holding off for the full version :\

  6. Yeah, none of these are being translated. As far as the VNs are concerned... probably not something I would check out, but whatever floats your boat. Well, except maybe the last one because the characters look a lot like the characters from subahibi... looks like they might have the same artist/designer. Just wait until subahibi comes out and you can pretend that you're playing that last title.

  7. I know we talked a bit about this in the shoutbox before, but make sure you properly changed your locale to Japanese. Follow the steps and make sure it's properly set. Also, try moving the game folder to your desktop and run the Fate application from there or try creating a path like C:\Program Files\Fate and running it from there.

  8. Yeah, I saw it in his list of all potential translation candidates. It would be great if he'll translate Saihate no Ima too someday.

    And Ayakashibito too, because the current project is as good as dead.


    Yep, heard that one was very nice. Ixrec mentioned something about it a while back.


    I’m definitely capable of translating Saihate no Ima. It will be very hard, and of course I don’t understand every last detail, but like Cross Channel it’s pretty much a certainty I won’t botch anything that actually matters. I doubt I’d do it right after Forest though. Those two games are hard for much the same reason (plot is confusing/abstract as fuck) so I’d want something easier in between.[/Quote]


    Maybe after Rewrite? Who knows.

  9. I need my next partial partial patch for SubaHibi!

    What's bothering me is that "It's My Own Invention" chapter didn't progress at all since 11 August and the news post says

    August 18th, 2012 - Invention is completed sans ero and what Moogy is doing, so me and vvav will be moving on to Insects.

    Hope that they'll at least start working on it once "Looking-Glass Insects" will be translated...


    Oh, I've also found some great update on Dra+KoI wiki page!


    The person that is supposed to translate the ero scenes is MIA or something along those lines. Moogy's part looks mainly to be Jabberwocky II, but he's probably busy with Schatten or he might get to it later on. As far as Dra+Koi, Ixrec was interested working on that after Moogy's whole debacle with how he isn't happy with his translation. Ixrec could literally translate it and get it out in a month.



    As long as it isnt like Flyable Heart, then everything is good to me


    Yeah, you're definitely safe in that regard.

  10. Hello everyone, a few months ago I installed Schools Days HQ with patch 1.01 but due to some problems with my PC, I uninstalled the game in early August .. But now that the new patch came out and the PC was already solved, I decided to install the game again .. but whenever I open the Setup the only option I have is to uninstall .. I uninstall (despite not having anything installed on the PC) and then the option to install is valid again but nothing happens when you click .. I try again but the same thing happens .. I would appreciate any help


    Sounds like you might not have properly uninstalled it the first time.


    Try uninstalling the game via Registry.


    delete the registration data by running regedit (you can just open up the start menu and type in regedit) and going to => HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Overflow => SCHOOLDAYS HQ

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