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Posts posted by desi

  1. Btw, since you have experience with Fortune Arterial, any idea about why I'm unable to use its backlog ?


    No idea... you should be able to use it. The way it works is that you can use the backlog and click on the text to go back to a previous scene. You can't open up the backlog at all?

  2. but i dont find much bout romance in there..unless its just me being thick-headed


    Like I said, just because it is 15+ doesn't mean that there isn't any romance. Just said there is romance in every route you play. Just because the characters aren't being loveydovey throughout the entire route doesn't mean there isn't any romance.

  3. huh? Romance is DEFINITELY strong in Ever17. Just because it's 15+, doesn't mean romance isn't a factor at all. I can't say much about the romance that is in the story.. but I can tell you that it plays a good part in ever17 and it's one of the most well done romances I've played.

  4. I asked Ixrec basically what is up with futsuu/Baldr sky/Parfait.


    Here is his response


    The short version is I have the exact same concerns and will discuss it with everyone in the future, but now is not the right time. I'm still quite far from finishing rewrite, and my personal long-term plans for real life are hazy at best right now. Expect *a lot* to get decided and announced as Rewrite nears completion and I finish planning whatever I'll be doing in Japan.

  5. G-senjou no Maou I might well get, if it isn't any darker than Sharin no Kuni, even if subject is not my preferred cup of tea.


    It's a bit darker, but you should still check it out since you played Sharin no Kuni and A Profile, made by the same developer. The true route is fantastic.

  6. I don't mind partial translations IF they already give me a sizable, worthwhile amount of play-time: i.e. a common route of decent length and/or a few of my preferred heroine types' routes.


    Okay, Majikoi it is. The common route + those 4 routes excluding Miyako is translated. That's probably at least 60% of the game. Oh yeah, check out Shield 9. I don't really play partial translations, but that one looks pretty funny (two of the routes are translated).

  7. Well, from what I surmised all of Dracu-Riot, Fortune Arterial, Hinomaru, and Majikoi have been translated enough to make a partial play worthwhile in my eyes (at least a common route of decent length). I read Fortune Arterial's common route branches relatively late. Too bad the route of the heroine I might quite possibly like the most, according to her role and personality (Erika) shall be translated last. Oh well, at least Kanade is already available, she might just be my second best. As I see it, the translations of Dracu-Riot and Hinomaru may easily be even slower than FA.


    Yeah, the way the routes work regarding Fortune Arterial is that there are 2 Erika routes. One "regular" Erika route and one true route after finishing all other routes. The true route will probably be translated last of course, but the regular Erika route will be done before then... again, no idea when though :S Majikoi has 4 regular routes + a side route translated and it seems like you said you don't mind partial translations at all. Only thing left to finish translating the Miyako Route + true route + other side routes.... again, translator seems very busy.

  8. Just from your tastes, I think you'll probably enjoy Majikoi very much. School life comedy + slice of life without a lot of drama. Even based on your tastes, I would still give Clannad a shot. Clannad is actually one of the funniest VNs I have ever read. The Tomoya + Sunohara interactions are just hilarious. It does dive into drama later in the individual routes but I would still recommend trying it. You might also like Fortune Arterial, but as one of the Qcers of the project, I literally have no idea when translations will be done. The translator is very busy at the moment.. but there are partial patches out that translates the common route + 2 regular routes.


    Oh yeah, just curious.. which route ended up making you rage quit Katawa Shoujo?

  9. Hey everyone kinda need help here T_T Well, my game keeps crashing at a specific spot really early in the game, its when there is a girl shouting - Chinami slept in, slept in, slept in - and it just stops dead there and gives me a little window(the title of the window is Hoshizora No Memoria Complete Patch 1.2) and the error says - etc/038 and theres a bunch of Japanese writing right after that.. and also -- the text was before the crash but when i restarted the game the text was broken and all :/


    What did I do wrong?? T_T


    You didn't apply the bugfix or you didn't apply it correctly. Follow the steps in the first post.

  10. Here's also one for the title "badass protagonist" ... although I didn't complete the game, only the demo :)


    Kazami Yuuji - from the Grisaia series. Man, I can't wait for the full english patch :D


    Man... I want to play that VN so bad. I held off on the demo because it's such a cocktease. Also Sumika.

  11. Badass : Kenichi from Sharin no Kuni


    Yes on Kenichi from Sharin no Kuni. Most Badass protag ever.


    Tsundere is a bit more difficult for me. I like classic tsunderes. Someone like Tsugumi from Ever17 is a nice one.

  12. is there a reason why Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na is not edited anymore ? i think it was 4 or 5 weeks from the last update.


    Yoake is going quite slowly right now, mostly because I’ve spent the last month looking for a house to live in for my fourth year at university. I’m also trying to spend less time at the computer, as recommended by my osteopath, to try and ease my back problems >.> (Long story.) I think in the future I’ll have to rethink my workload, because I can really only edit so much because I sit at the computer all day. For now though, full steam ahead on Rewrite, AIR and Yoake!


    Progress is slowing down, but it will not be dropped. Just gotta wait a bit longer.

  13. But the starter pack is rated 18+


    The Starter pack is rated 18+ because it includes Da Capo 2.


    Also, I would want to wait for a more official translation... no offense to Aaeru.

  14. i know this is a new game but are any groups planning on translating this in the future?


    Maybe MangaGamer will pick it up since they did the first two. Then again, this is 15+ and I'm not so sure MG will want to translate a 15+ game... guess we'll see.

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