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Posts posted by desi

  1. Hmm, didnt someone actually link that game in all the earlier "guessing wars" regarding the project?


    Everyone pretty much guessed every title. That title eventually came up. Anyways, should be a nice game.


    To the people downloading the patch, remember you can download the entire patch and then decide if you want the PC voicing vs Ps2 voicing, PC battle system vs Ps2 battle system.


    If you wish to use PS2 voices where they are available, then rename Voice1.pac to Voice2.pac and vice-versa.


    If you wish to use PS2 battle/system voices, rename Justice2.pac to Justice2PC.pac and rename Justice2PS2.pac to Justice2.pac.


    the 2.6gb is the just the patch.

  2. I have tried to install this game four times now and each time I run into the same situation. The install gets to Voice01.GPK on disc 2 and stops. I downloaded 4 torrents, the first two from torrents sites and the last two from here. I use alcohol 52% and this is the first time I have run into problems since I have played and downloaded all but 5 games from this site. Can anyone help me, because I have been dying to play this since I watched the series and want to see how the rest of the stories goes. Thank you in advance.



    Yep, just follow what tsundere said. Or you can read the first issue on the very first post which explains the problem...

  3. Dracu-riot has the superdeformed CG tag on VNDB, but... since their tags are usually exaggerated, I guess I'll not pay any attention to that.


    Dracu-Riot does have superdeformed CG. Super deformed CG = Dracu_riot_bc294ab8-7e10-4544-9a45-dbd42cf25c92_thumb.jpg


    Dracu-riot is looooooong overdue , i wonder if Sumika will voice a tsundere heroine in there...


    It's your lucky day. Sumika is voicing the tsundere... who is supposedly the main/best heroine in there.

  4. any estimation of when dracu riot will be fully translated? the wait is killing me!! I like eroge that has animation like yuzusoft. Basically very anime looking girls i dont know the correct word for this. And speaking of yuzusoft is the game Noble Works by yuzusoft going to be translated?


    Type of art that i like:





    Basically really REALLY great art


    Its my preferance so don't think i'm weird


    Probably middle of next year... hard to say. Right now progress is going very slow because the translator has a job and he's in college. Also, Sumika is there in so check it out. Noble works is not currently being translated but Tenshin Ranman - Lucky or Unlucky!? by Yuzusoft is.

  5. quick question, i was planing to download the VN "Rewrite" but it said it's partial english... does this mean that only some routes are English or that the beginning is all English and then "a wild Kanji has appeared" .. how does that work?


    Only the common route patch is translated. The next partial patch will release when all the heroine routes are done. After the common route is done, the Japanese will probably start to appear.

  6. Hehe, you know, I think you mentioned this stuff (Sharin Fandisc) in another thread... Maybe some others did too for that matter. Yet, I didn't quite believe you for some reason. I was thinking; "How bad could it possibly? Happy romance and the like is good for me. I like that stuff."


    But oooooh boy, it didn't take long for me to realize just how right you actually were. I went on with Sachi's route first. Yes, that's right. And... It is the most boring piece of writing I have ever read, BAR NONE. Oh my, it was so unbelievably, incredibly and unrelentingly boring. I just can't believe how uninteresting that piece of garbage is. NOTHING of worth happens in it.


    Yes, I know now, Houzuki's route is the one that actually matters. I'll read it at some point.


    Haha, that's why I recommended either skipping it or just ctrling through the entire route except the last 2 minutes or whatever. It's boring as hell. Houzuki route is good stuff though.

  7. It's 87mins, I finished listening to it now. It's nothing really special, Moogy ripping on some people, like how Doki sucks and they don't know Japanese. Other then that, about some random VNs, anime series, the VN Moogy is currently translating for JAST and taking questions from the people listening on the stream.

    Also, how Aroduc's project is Majikoi and it will be released in a few days. (trololol)

    Check it out if you have time, if you want to hear Moogy and Tinfoil's thoughts on stuff related to VNs.

    Tinfoil needs to get ixrec on the podcast, that would be fun :>



    Some Futsuu Baldr Sky shots in there as well :p

  8. Would you mind to write a little summary of that podcast?


    Sorry, I didn't listen to the whole thing yet. It's basically Moogy being Moogy..... thinking about how he's an awesome translator and how Ixrec sucks, etc. Talking about a few projects like Schatten, which he is working as the primary translator with Jast. Apparently, they had a chance to do Dies Irae but after contacting the company, they weren't interested in licensing it. So they chose Schatten to translate instead... after acquiring Schatten the company disappeared or something, so they don't have to go through all the redtape with the company anymore... with Jast being Jast, i'm sure the release date will be the same anyways. Translation should finish around December-January. He was also talking about Dra+Koi and saying how he will pretty much never go back and finish it.. so it's pretty much just up to Ixrec to translate it. Oh yeah, he also mentioned Subahibi and how he is supposed to have part in translating, but he'll probably end up being too busy with Schatten so he probably won't pitch out and help with that.


    hi guys, i have a question, the ef - a fairy tale of the two and ef – the first tale is two diffrent games or the ef - a fairy tale of the two contains the ef – the first tale ?


    Ef fairy tale of the two is the full game. It contains pretty much everything.. although it has a few meme like sentences(nothing major, just a few times) and censorship regarding h-scenes. Ef the first tale is the Mangagamer release that contains the first 3 chapters. It's a more official translation and reduced censorship of h-scenes, but it's only half of the story.

  9. episode 24, the only one i skipped because i didn't want to hear the whole story again, seems i missed a pretty good chunk huh



    oh and OneManArmy ... guessing you didn't enjoy you first VN too much did you.



    you didn't miss much. It was just Tomoya explaining a very condensed plot of Clannad and the after story to Ushio. And the ending is pretty nice because you have Nagisa calling Tomoya and Ushio so you know that they have a family and that they're all together now and what not


  10. I've been told Kannon 2007 is better then the 2002 release. is it true, should i watch both (to get the full story) or do they have no continuation what so ever? because people tell me to SKIP the 2002 version completely.


    Yeah, just go with the kyoani version (06 or 07) It's the same with Clannad.. they had a Clannad movie out but it wasn't a good adaptation... just stick with the kyoani versions.

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