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Posts posted by desi

  1. I was also looking forward to Yumina. How long has it been since I keep seeing "All game data translated. Testing.", release "Maybe this year" in VNTL? I really hope they could release this soon.


    Yeah, I've been looking forward to Yumina for quite a while. I highly doubt it will be released this year just by going by some of the stuff they've said over their twitter account. Probably early next year.

  2. You can check out Eien no Aselia later if you wish. Even if the version that is translated doesn't have H-scenes, the version that was translated is superior because it added two routes, has improved cg, etc. The sequel which will be released by Jast sometime next year (hopefully) has h-scenes... so you can make a huge sacrifice and play without h-scenes.

  3. Are you sure desi? Unless vndb is wrong, but 'Protagonist with Voice Acting' is a label. Maybe it is only at certain parts?


    Hmm... it might only be at certain parts then... confirmation from anyone that has played it?

  4. Damn, that's absolutely awesome.

    I've no idea if the fandisc's good though...


    Heard it was pretty good. Ixrec doesn't bother to translate unless he think it's good, so I probably wouldn't worry about the quality.


    Review by Ixrec

    Kotori and Chihaya's after stories are nice and sweet. Lucia's after story adds a new character and a surprisingly interesting conflict, making it the best part in my opinion. Shizuru, Akane and Kagari's AU stories are quite silly, even random at times, but also pretty funny. Finally, there's a fun RPG minigame called Rewrite Quest, which doesn't take itself seriously at all. All seven parts are fleshed out nicely and clearly had a lot of effort put into them (especially Rewrite Quest). The fandisc also comes with wallpapers and system voices.

    Score: Good


    Review by Moogy, for whatever it's worth.

  5. What's the difference between LB, LB EX, and LB ME? Is the difference big enough that I should just wait for the latter to get translated instead of play the original LB?


    LB: All ages regular edition

    LB EX: 3 extra routes + h-scenes + some different dialogue

    LB ME: Same as EX, except no h-scenes


    Is it worth the wait? I'm not so sure... no idea when EX/ME will be done, could very well be over a year from now. You can play the all age version right now and check out the differences in the EX/ME version later down the road.

  6. Wonder how they found out that it was the Futaki route that is being translated.. didn't see anything on their twitter, and that is where they post their updates. Guess it's the "secret" route they were doing, as evidenced by this and this. The same translator also said "Updates are for LB ME. There are no current plans for EX that I know of." Not sure if troll or not. Anyways, progress on Grisaia no Kajitsu and Subahibi... carry on.

  7. Thanks for the answers guys


    How many "main heroines" are there then? 14 would be nice, but i guess that is wishfull thinking


    This is sort of a guess, but looking at the Majikoi S translation website and the patches to be released, they have these heroines listed:


    Margit, Kokoro, Kosugi, Momoyo, Kazuko, Yukie, Chris, Miyako, Tsubame, Monshiro


    It would make sense that Margit, Kokoro, Kosugi, Tsubame, and Monshiro are the 5 "main" heroines in Majikoi S. The other 5 heroines are continuations from the regular Majikoi and you can enjoy new scenes/after stories with them.

  8. Even if I find most of the h-scenes to be horribly done, I don't really mind it for the most part.. but I do find it to be it to be kind of stupid in most VNs. It's usually overdone and obviously just thrown in so people are all "OMG SEX FUCK YEAH FAPFAPFAP!" People end up ignoring VNs without a 18+ tag. Not a shot on you btw, just saying in general. Plus, you don't have to show explicit sex to show intimacy, that's honestly something that's very cheap for a writer to do in my opinion. "How do I show they love each other... OH YEAH BY SHOWING THEM PLOWING each other." Add some smacking and slurping sounds and we got a stew going. There are VNs WITHOUT the 18+ tag that handle sex very maturely.. I can think of two off the top of my head.. could be considered a spoiler if I mention them, so I'll just leave it at that. In these VNs, there was no need to show explicit sex scenes.. it would diminish who they were... they would go from being couples in an intimate relationship to FAP fodder. These VNs that i'm thinking about have MUCH more of an impact because you don't get to see the scenes. In the end, sex does end up selling... it's easier to throw in some h-scenes to appease a bunch of people. WOW THIS IS SO OFFTOPIC. Anyways, just my two cents.

  9. Indeed. But too bad the English patch shall be for the all-ages version, even if I very well understand the reasons for the choice (expanded version). :(


    At first glance, Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na - Brighter Than Dawning Blue does not seem a romance-lite game, and chaste romance definitely annoys me.



    I'm of the viewpoint that most h-scenes are horribly done that they don't add anything to the story. Here's a solution: Download both versions of the game... the 15+ version and the 18+ version. You can view the h-scenes in the 18+ version while reading along with the 15+ version.. might seem like a hassle, but it's a solution.

  10. Of course, nothing like the overall visual pleasure of Fortune Arterial.


    August makes pretty nice eroges in terms of visuals. Check out Brighter Than Dawning Blue when that comes out after the editing phase is done with. Aiyoku no Eustia will also be a very nice one to check out. It'll be quite a while until that one is done though.

  11. Da Capo 2 Plus Communication (with all the route) is not translated. If you want to play Da capo 2 in english, you'll have to use the MG release, which is on this site aka regular Da Capo 2. As far as the serial number is concerned, there wasn't anything included in the download?

  12. Don't worry Ultimecea,I'm with you.

    Yeah,romance is there but it is definitely not a main factor .


    Sorry, have to respond to this.. especially since Ever17 is in my top 5 VN... this is srs business






    [spoiler=Ever17]Sorry, there is no way you would have the plot of Ever17 without romance. Takeshi and Tsugumi having the twins was a MAJOR twist and plot factor. I mean, you can't say in my face that romance didn't play a factor in characters. I understand it isn't the main point like in Clannad, but it still plays a very large role. 4 of the 5 routes show a romantic relationship developing. In the true route, we see the entire family back together and Tsugumi and Takeshi reunited once again. Even after that, we see huge hints in the true route of You and Hokuto getting together, just like they did in her regular route. You can't say with a straight face that romance played no role in this VN.


  13. Second Episode is out.




    Man, this anime is nothing short of awesome. The fight scene was hilarious as hell and just judging from the first two episodes, I have huge expectations. The quality is tremendous.. at times, I forget that she doesn't really have those powers. The new senapi was pretty funny as well and had some good chemistry with Rikka and Yuuta.... she seems to be really amused by the delusions. Onee-chan wasn't bad herself either :p Also had a good laugh at the very first dream scene. Like I said, great quality so far. Even though they're only 2 episodes in, the characters are nice so far. Also noticed that Rikka has been calling Yuuta "Yuuta" or "Dark Flame Master" since the first episode and Yuuta calls her by her family name instead. It's nice to see that at least she has some awareness of this whereas we see Yuuta either doesn't care or doesn't notice. He's a classic tsundere.


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