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Everything posted by Seraphic

  1. I live! ......though it's perhaps somewhat concerning that I had such an easy time guessing my password after seven years since I've last been on.
  2. Yeah, I quit MLA for a bit after the Marimo scene and read the entirety of Rewrite to calm down before going back. Ironically, all of this was just so I could put off reading HiguKai, but anyway...
  3. Ooh, Sora no Woto. Should I watch the anime first?
  4. I'm impressed, you've managed to score three birthday wishes to me in a row. Thank you, kind one.

  5. Translation status: Patiently, patiently wait for SubaHibi
  6. I am dandere...ihavesomethingivereallygottodogoodbye I've always hated your funny charm. I hate it. 100%. Love, "I'm out to get you"
  7. Ahaha, thank god I'm in the US right now, Grisaia would have taken me a month to download back in Thailand.
  8. Hope you had a good birthday.

  9. I've been having a problem as well where my password doesn't work, and when I try to get it to send my password to my email, it says that my password is a random string of characters, most of which are impossible to enter ( ©å¦3=¶, is part of it). So it may not be just you.
  10. Both? And Katakana? I'm close to 100% certain they use all three in most works, with the more "literary" works using more unusual kanji.
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