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Everything posted by pandorasplea

  1. from what I saw this is indeed the next pproject for arudoc so hurray more eushuelly works!
  2. Yeah my favorite vn's are those with good gameplay since as much as i like good stories if I want to play a game I want something more than text and pictures otherwise I would just read fanfiction and let my imagination do the rest. Speaking of vn's with gameplay I may be wrong but didn't a new game come out from manga gamer with a card battle system. When will it appear available to download? I think I saw it on a previous update list.
  3. I personally like where this is going but I have to admit I am going to find it hard to wait for the third part to be made. I would throw so much money if it would speed up the creation of part 3. I mean that ending would be liked even better than the mass effect 3 one lol
  4. lol that is nice comeback. I personally think that this whole conflict between who likes what is pointless. Why worry about if it is a loli or a grownup. I say as long as it is beautiful it dont matter
  5. I just randomly chose a picture but if anyone have any better options post a link or the picture and I'll look through them
  6. I personally am about to create my own group so join if you like the idea. I personally want to create a non-human, monster girl, or basically fantasy girl. I like those kind of the best especially knights. join if you want but if not ehh to each his own
  7. Have any mods been chosen yet? I admit I am kinda interested in being one but I wonder if I would be a good choice
  8. psn-vagner08 feel free to add me for those who play mass effect 3 and other games
  9. Well since im here My name is pandoras plea and I first got into eroge from the game princess waltz and moved into basic fantasy and rpg eroge. I now simply seek any eroge with good story and a good humor is also appreciated. I also question why people like lolis so much but ehh i probably wouldnt get it.
  10. I have a couple of questions that im asking due to the fact I had to reinstall so to save me time I decided to use a save file I found online as I didn't want to go throught the effort of getting everything all over again. I am wondering if you transmigrate do you get the bonuses again for hitting certain levels and classing up again? I am asking as I am planning on transmigrating but will it be only easier to power up like going through a new game in terms of both stats by levels and classes. The second is I recently completed the first jewel quest for sharty but I didn't get the h-scene.
  11. I personally like the knight heroines as they seem to strike a chord with me. One of my favorites is Granberia from monmosu quest. my second is the wise yet young heroines as they are the wisdom that keep the hero going. Traps well depending on their role are nice too
  12. I missed a scene where Luka spoke with that bomber in a bar. I then realized I could go back to the areas i completed already for more story.
  13. I have saw that Ikusa megami zero is being translated but what is the status overall. I can only see what is done but out of how much is my question. If i could I would try to help but I dont know what I can do.
  14. I personally think that it might be worth it but the quality of the new endings are going to have a bar to reach. I personally think that if they are going to do such a thing then they should take their time to do so. I have yet to play the game but I plan to do so when I can. I also say while their at it find a way to give the ps3 owners a way to even out the unfair advantages that xbox people have in their saves compared to us. I mean we dont have one and that is important. sorry rambling.
  15. I was replaying monster girl 1 and 2 partial when I discovered a scene i missed in my first playthrough so I figured I would try to let people know in case they missed it. I then decided to take it a step further and create this thread for those who love the series to talk and share their experiances and hopefully together we can create a sort of perfect playthrough through one and 2. We would probably convene again when three is translated but lets chat.
  16. I also admit the battle goddess series that they have has caught my interest. I admit I am a sucker for series of games but I like the concept behind it above all
  17. I have a technical question not a game question here. I want to change the font but every time I try it closes saying that an error ocurred. What do i do as I want to customize it completely. Btw how does the spoilerAI work? I had to reinstall it but I dont want to take forever to get my items back but re-leveling and upgrading my store im fine with. Makes it even more fun lol.
  18. I want the eushully games translated alongside any other rpg or strategy games that are out. I admit I like the regular story ones but actual gameplay is always a plus.
  19. The only eroge i remember buying is princess waltz long ago from Jast Usa. It was the first eroge I remember playing followed shortly by lightning warrior raidy. I am hoping to find more actual gameplay like kamidori and raidy.
  20. I am happy for this thread as it helps out for trying to perfect the game. I am searching for the mascot steels and acid does anyone know where those are?
  21. I thought i was done with question but here is one i cant figure out? Does anyone know how to open the quest for magnus rank? It is supposedly opened at meister rank but i got that rank yet didn't see it. any one know what to do to get it?
  22. I have only one last question so if anyone knows please respond. I am after divine bones now for the mascot weapons and final clothes and I know the level but I dont know where in the level the mine locations are. Can someone post a picture of where the mining location is please? I need at least six so once i find it im gonna speed rush the process.
  23. I have a question . I am going after asmodeus and I am trying to finish the yuidora mines to reach her. Which maps do i need to do to unlock her stage? I already did the crafts so all that is left is the boss battle.
  24. Hey i have a question so please respond. Im stuck and cant do yuella's route wasteland mission. The deploy screen lets me choose no characters and I start the mission with no base or anything? How do I proceed? If it was asked earlier im sorry but I didn't see it.
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