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Everything posted by Nobu

  1. I don't want to spam this thread any further so I'll just leave this with you guys,
  2. I also built the sex slaves u see everywhere, as in, my basement. -hey! I make sure to look erotic when I actually do fap.
  3. He's a avid nobu follower I built that system for him
  4. I see I see, true true, but I've decided to go on fapping strike as well....after this one Also, why would I need peeping holes, ill be in the room personally
  5. Was the special even me fapping infront of the door? ...well I didn't do that...*cough cough* And the builder u speak of is suppose to be u
  6. Yup yup, i had some people from the forum come over my basement and literally build one....but im still wondering why Dub built a S&M playroom in my dungeon even though i didnt ask for it... "Oh what is this?" (Inscribed in the corner of the playroom) : Please let me come back and use this room, sincerely, and pervertedly, Dub.
  7. And that, is how u well cum someone, u ppl need to learn to well cum someone in a way that they become ur friends, even if they THINK that I have these "preferences..." because, obviously I don't, right guys?
  8. Dam Dan I was about to say that RAPE DUNGEON?! I was talking about the kind where we both hunt dragons and whatnot together
  9. Oh u and ur male nurses... Innermost thoughts (one of these days, ur going in the dungeon, one of these days)
  10. He, why else would I want guys in my rape dungeon? idk what u need to warn him about, why does it always turn out like this for new people?
  11. Why is it that u peasants forget I am the Confucius -jeZz I swear u edited Ur post just to mess with me - and sorry I was thinking about hot doctors
  12. oh do u think rape dungeons are good? Oh, well it's raining here,
  13. how many inches soft? How do u like rape dungeons? Er, how's the weather?
  14. Oh do u now, actually I have something to ask u
  15. ( double post because I can!) If the doctor was hot and she said that, I would totally ask her to cure me herself
  16. Lemme get this straight, we are here, reading updates about u not fapping, normally I would only read updates on stuff like games or shit, man...this really shows how far down the road of the perverts we really are.
  17. Well, to be fair, its more like a tube
  18. Good note, it'll save u one day
  19. OY OY don't go adding into my quote . -LOL BLACKHOLE ANUS
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